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InsideTracker Biomarker Testing

Original price was: $589.00.Current price is: $441.75.

Blood is like the motor oil of the human body. By testing it occasionally, you can learn and prevent issues from becoming serious.

Rather than binary “sick-or-not” results, InsideTracker compares your values to optimal and gives you actionable habits, foods, and practices for each biomarker. Plus, doctors/insurance won’t get you all the tests necessary to prevent issues and perform at your peak.

The InsideTracker Ultimate Plan is a must for serious biohackers & health optimizers. It’s a popular alternative to SelfDecode.

Their Inner Age test also quantifies your biological age (click to learn more about biological age testing technology) to show how positive lifestyle changes can potentially slow your aging.

Nick’s Take: As many of the top wellness experts recommend InsideTracker, it’s quickly becoming a household name. I take the Ultimate Plan test annually just for a simple, easy-to-understand diagnostic. The references and explanations are quite useful to take action and improve all sub-optimal values.

Use InsideTracker code OUTLIYRPRO25 to save a whopping 25%!