Lifestyle & Bioharmonizing

Bioharmony Principles for Peak Human Performance & Quality of Life

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Bioharmony Principles Peak Human Performance Quality Life
Bioharmony Principles Peak Human Performance Quality Life

With the recent global health crisis, interest in self-empowered health optimization (often called biohacking) has exploded.

On the simplest fundamental level, biohacking is about optimizing your inner and outer environment.

There’s another way, and it’s called bioharmonization.

When comparing the long-term results of the two, there’s a clear winner.

Working with the body (bioharmonizing) vastly outperforms opposing it via bio-“hacking”.

After over a decade of biohacking, I transitioned.

Initially, I admit this to some of the world’s top biohackers and health optimizers. I explained my alternative. An amalgamation of the world’s oldest time-proven systems fused with select principles from modern science. I called this approach “bioharmonizing”, and to my surprise, they immediately jumped on board. Confiding that they consider themselves bioharmonizers more than biohackers.

So in today’s article, I’ll lay down some of my core tenants of bioharmonization. Expect this to solidify and adapt as I continue studying and learning from mystics and history’s most impactful humans.

Biohacking vs Bioharmonizing

The fundamental flaw with biohacking is that it assumes we know better than the body.

We mistakenly believe we see the full picture (or enough of it) and therefore can implement changes to accomplish particular desired results.

Yet when we actually perform these “hacks”, we often discover unintended side effects. Often delayed, and sometimes quite severe.

Although increasingly prevalent in pop culture, the word hack itself is an interesting choice. When you think of “hacks”, what comes to mind?

Viruses? Shoddy work? Illegal activity?

For every ten negative definitions I came across online, I’d find one remotely positive. Regardless, hacks provide short-term solutions (and often long-term consequences). Worst of all, like drugs, they lose potency over time as your body adapts and builds tolerance. You can learn more in this thorough article I wrote on biohacking vs bioharmonizing.

What if there was another way?

Better effects, and without repercussions.

Well, it exists, and although mostly forgotten in the modern day, it’s making a resurgence.

Core Principles of Bioharmonizing for Life-Long Optimal Performance

When asked to explain “how do you biohack”, most folks living the lifestyle won’t have an answer.

There aren’t principles or structures to foster collaboration or even mutual understanding over the concept. Leading to the unsavory and derogatory pop media label of biohackers as “unlicensed medical experimenters”.

My goal is to evolve a shared set of axioms that distill and simplify the essence of bioharmonization. Leading to greater safety, long-term effectiveness, and ease of implementation.

What makes this special is the deep interlinking.

Working on any principle makes improving others easier and more powerful.

Bioharmony Principle #1: Self-Sovereignty

Modern technology is a double-edged sword.

On one hand, it adds tremendous convenience and opens new doors. Tech can help a single person wield more power than entire armies several millennia ago. Aside from addiction, stress, and exposure to blue light, can technology have a dark side?

First, technology extends far beyond the digital world. It’s anything that humankind uses to enhance our lives. The issue isn’t in its existence or strategic use but in over-reliance.

We now outsource just about everything.

Our memories with notes apps and recorded calls.

Our foot stability by constantly wearing artificial arch support.

That which we don’t use atrophies.

The first principle of bioharmonization is to take control. Recognizing that no doctor or other professional can steward your health better than you. Also, the functions that you outsource will weaken.

Remember to use any skills, abilities, or attributes you wish to maintain. The analog way.

  • Memorize a phone number
  • Turn off the GPS and use written instructions
  • Wear barefoot shoes (or none at all)
  • Walk backwards
  • Notice your physiological cues like heart rate

Most of these low-tech habits are free and just occasional practice goes a long way.

You can also use the Outliyr Bioharmony Framework to get started.

Doing this connects you to your biological roots, reinforces key neural pathways, and shapes you into an anti-fragile human.

Bioharmony Principle #2: Innate Intelligence

For the trillions of dollars poured into decoding humanity’s inner workings, we have little to show for it.

For time immemorial, cultures recognized the unparalleled ability and complexity of the body. To give us important clues, to heal, and even to regenerate.

The most common and potent interventions available today don’t actually cause healing. Rather, they support the body through its own healing process.

A fiberglass cast is a perfect example. We hold the bones still while the body rebuilds.

There’s much more to humans than meets the eye. Stuff the most advanced scientific instrumentation won’t be able to measure for decades. Or longer. The inability to see, quantify, and measure doesn’t make it any less real.

The bioharmonic principle of Innate Intelligence suggests that the body has the biological codes, the operating system, to self-regenerate. All it needs is the right raw inputs.

With appropriate time, support, and attunement, we can accomplish things that defy the current medical paradigm.

Bioharmony Principle #3: Oppositional Consequences

Throughout history, all major medical systems used the classic approach of working with the body.

Since transitioning to allopathy and palliative care, the Western medical system flipped the approach to healing.

Our approach now consists of pathologization and immediate symptom relief.

Uncomfortable side effects wane, and this feels like the “magic bullet” we all seek.

Yet there’s an inescapable, glaring gap in this approach.

The body communicates vital messages to us through symptoms Share on X

Symptoms are the language of the body. Symptoms signal something wrong.

You can choose to suppress them, akin to covering up a car’s “check engine” indicator light. But that does nothing to fix the underlying issue.

Like a car that blows a multi-thousand dollar gasket, eventually, your body will fail in a critical way. Such as a sudden diagnosis of a life-threatening condition. Often, during a bout of high stress.

The body is a cybernetic system (system of systems).

Introducing a linear input, by trying to influence one particular pathway or activity, for example, results in all kinds of other downstream consequences. Some of which modern science will discover decades later.

Just as a knowledgeable mechanic can decipher dashboard error codes, so too can holistic health practitioners help you identify each of your symptoms’ root causes.

This pillar of bioharmony has an entire field of study named after it. Bioregulatory medicine focuses on helping improve well-being by augmenting the body’s vital bodily processes.

Biomimicry is another related concept that fits squarely into this principle. Biomimicry is the process of using modern technology and tools to simulate natural processes.

This includes everything from intelligent home environment design, to transforming Wi-Fi signals into a more biologically compatible (yet still fast and powerful) waveform.

Bioharmony Principle #4: Biofeedback Amnesia

Our body sends us status updates regarding any systems that need attention. 24/7, around the clock.

They range from obvious and in plain sight, to so subtle that we don’t notice. A few common correlations that fly under the radar include:

  • Peeing frequently, blood sugar, and kidney function
  • Outbursts of rage, elevated enzymes, and liver health
  • Fatigue about 1.5 hours after eating high-glycemic meals
  • Feeling absolutely crushed after certain forms of exercise
  • Fuzzy memory or lack of coordination after sleep
  • Tunnel vision or mounting anxiety/panic during acute stress

We all walk around unable to read and interpret certain core biological signals. I call this biofeedback amnesia.

Some of my favorite uses of modern technology help us learn to associate cause with particular outcomes.

HRV Training (I like Hanu Health), for example, can train us to notice bodily sensations of mounting stress and control them. Helping us stay calm, collected, and in control of the situation. Instead of “automatic”, sub-optimal reactions.

Blood glucose tracking can help us correlate the feeling of rising blood sugar, and the little tweaks we can do to keep it steady after a binge (thus, slowing our aging process, improving cognition, increasing physical performance, etc).

Sleep tracking devices facilitate associating things we consume and do with our resulting sleep quality and next-day recovery.

These technologies can also quantifiable display how vague concepts personally affect us, on a deep level.

The goal isn’t long-term tech use, but about using it to strengthen our ability to recognize the body’s natural cues. Then, it becomes optional and we become more aware.

Bioharmony Principle #5: Critical Application

Rather than blindly trusting what you read in a textbook (or learn anywhere, for that matter), Science is about researching things for yourself.

One, five, or ten plus papers in a credible medical journal do not inherently make something safe if it opposes normal healthy bodily function.

This means looking at BOTH sides of every argument. Understanding each well enough to steel-man the side.

Only testing things that pass the principles of safe bioharmonizing, and yielding to the precautionary principle whenever unsure. You’ve probably heard the precautionary principle before, which goes something like,

Precautionary principle: better safe than sorry Share on X

Study history, and there are too many instances of dangerous health misinformation to count:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Heroin (originally marketed as a cough suppressant)
  • Cocaine (originally used as an anesthetic)
  • Lysol originally used as a women’s hygiene product
  • Lobotomies were used to treat mental and emotional illness
  • Mercury was used to treat syphilis
  • Gasoline and DDT were used to treat head lice
  • Dozens of medications were pulled off the market after debilitating side effects and/or death
  • Medical procedures caused life-long complications and negligible upside

Check out this list of the craziest once-common medical treatments.

If you do decide to test something, reduce any potential harm as much as possible.

Bioharmonizers are scientists at our core, skeptical of corporation-funded “research”, and seekers of personally verifiable truths.

Bioharmony Principle #6: Biosynergizing

My personal favorite bioharmony principle is the concept of biosynergy.

The entourage effect is a phenomenon often attributed to supplements where combining ingredients has disproportionate benefits. You may have heard it put,

“The sum is greater than the total of the parts”.

Or, more simply,

1 + 1 = 5

Combining active ingredients is the non-linear approach. It’s working on the entire cybernetic system, and leads to powerful outcomes with fewer side effects. That’s why Dr. Sandy Kaufmann’s protocol, for example, includes micro-dosing a bunch of popular longevity supplements.

This same line of biosynergistic logic extends far beyond supplements.

That’s what’s so exciting about bioharmonization.

You improve one thing, and you get your desired benefit. AND other side benefits (as opposed to side effects).

Improve multiple things, and the body responds even more favorably!

You unlock states and levels you didn’t know possible.

All due to the effect of biosynergy.

Bioharmony Principle #7: Strategic Biohacking

Although I’m bearish on biohacking, it does have several valid use cases.

“Hacks” serve a core purpose in two situations:

  1. Short-term corrections to return to homeostasis
  2. Intentional biological mismatching to improve quality of life

Sometimes, a process isn’t working quite as it should. Or you want a little nudge to make all of the other healthy lifestyle practices easier. Or you have a HUGE day planned and want a physical (or cognitive) pick-me-up to maximize the experience.

In these cases, a nootropic or other quick fix can give you the edge while you build the necessary discipline, motivation, and new habits to elevate your baseline.

Once you achieve the desired level of performance, you can wean off the crutch.

The second reason to hack your biology is to extend the healthy functioning of the body, gently, beyond what’s natural.

For example, after we’ve passed our reproductively “useful” years, the body declines at an accelerated rate. After optimizing naturally to the fullest extent possible, some modern biomimicry can signal that we’re still in our prime. Helping you stay young for longer.

This could look like low-dose hormone replacement therapy. The minimum dose necessary to bring us back into healthy ranges. Which is profoundly different from supraphysiological doses of say, testosterone, for aesthetics and athletic performance enhancement.

Sometimes, a quick correction will stimulate the body’s return to homeostasis.

This could also mean taking specific nutrient supplements. Compensating for widespread deficiencies (even in organic foods) caused by modern farming and inattention to soil quality.

Strategic biohacking is about harnessing modern technology to safely bring us to our natural, fully optimized state.

Bioharmony Principle #8: Holistic Snapshot

Health, wellness, and performance optimization focus on the “what”.

Which diet is best?

Is cholesterol bad or good?

Should I try fasting?

What kind of exercise should I do?

Dogmatic wars rage on regarding virtually every aspect of human health.

But those questions are only one part of the larger picture. The “what”.

The science of re-emerging science of chronobiology shows the “when” matters equally.

And those are just two of the focuses.

The sequencing (AKA the “how”) also matters.

The key factors to evaluate any intervention include:

  • When
  • How
  • What
  • Why
  • Where

And in some cases, “who”.

This lens vindicates both sides of every point of contention.

Something that’s generally considered healthy can be detrimental at the wrong time, in the wrong order, when done for the wrong reasons, or used sub-optimally.

And vice-versa.

How to Bioharmonize Your Life

This list may seem like a lot, but bioharmonizing your life and day can be quite simple.

Start by filtering your choices through a biocompatibility lens.

Am I supporting or fighting against my body?

From that alone you’ll uncover a lot.

Shift your mindset to viewing the body as innately intelligent, all-powerful, and capable of miraculous regeneration. The best uses of modern medicine are to support our natural abilities.

Weigh whether your gear, habits, and routine outsource natural bodily skills you wish to keep (vision, arch support, functional movement, etc).

Start becoming more aware of the small biofeedback cues your body provides. Notice the cause and effect, and if you’re having trouble recognizing/breaking patterns, consider the temporary aid of technology.

Enjoy the fruits of biosynergy. By introducing non-linear inputs, we upgrade our overall health, and as a side benefit, nagging symptoms also disappear.

There you have it, my initial principles of maintaining long-term health and peak performance through what I call…


What principles am I missing? Want help? Schedule a free consult for us to chat and I’ll be happy to help design your own Peak Performance Bioharmonization Blueprint.


Post Tags: Ancestral Health, Beginner, Biohacking, Functional & Holistic Health, Lifestyle, Performance

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