Gut Health
The gut isn’t just a mere digestive organ. It’s connected to your cognition, immunity, weight loss, and even your sleep. It affects virtually every aspect of your wellbeing.
In fact, I (safely and naturally) tweaked my microbiome to overcome a lifelong dairy intolerance.
Optimizing it isn’t just about popping more probiotics.
Follow these protocols, tips, and guides to optimize your gut microbiome and enhance your digestive system.

Gut Health Power Tips
Perfect digestion starts with eating in a parasympathetic, relaxed state
The two precepts of healthy food are protecting the liver and nourishing the gut
Incorporate fermented foods to promote healthy gut microbiome
Harder to digest foods have a beneficial hormetic effect
Quantifying & understanding your gut flora will help you know which foods to eat
Choose organic because pesticides (and antibiotics) kill gut microbes largely responsible for breaking down anti-nutrients, gluten, etc
Two other keys to diet are to reduce endotoxin and to fix the O2/CO2 balance in the gut
Temporarily try removing gluten, A1 dairy, oxalates, phytates, goitrogens, lectins, phytoestrogens, and high-PUFA vegetable/seed oils if you have gut issues
90-95% of people have some degree of intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) which causes nutrient deficiency and drives systemic inflammation
Fix your gut by focusing on repopulating two keystone species: Akkermansia and Bifidobacteria
Your gut is like a pharmacy for neurotransmitters, hormones, and a wide variety of essential chemicals
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Kickstart Your Gut Health By Reading These
These Products Help With Your Gut Health
Trainings on Gut Health
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