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Diet & Nutrition

Diet is one of the few health choices you make daily with the potential to rapidly, deliciously, and effortlessly transform your life.

It’s also the most contentious and polarizing. Influencers defend their diets more intently than religious ideologies.

The truth is, every diet has a long list of both benefits and drawbacks.

Whether you eat as a plant-based vegan, full carnivore, or the highly controversial omnivore… the ultimate diet strategy is offsetting the dangers and amplifying the benefits.

Let’s explore proven bioharmonization strategies to fuel your body and mind for peak performance.

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Diet & Nutrition Power Tips

Unhealthy diets cost you more in quality of life, downtime, and money (ounce for ounce, Snickers bars cost more than grass-fed ground beef too)

Ground meats (beef) contain more collagen and healthy amino acids than muscle meats (steak), and are way cheaper

Balance macro and micronutrient intake. Macros determine how you look & micros determine how you feel

Organic food fills you up 33% faster because there’s enough fat, vitamins, minerals, and cofactors that satiate your body. By eating less, optimal foraging theory shows that organic food is actually cheaper

Wait at least two hours after waking before you eat breakfast

The diet that gets you healthy will usually not keep you that way. Some form of omnivore works best

The color of any natural food corresponds to a particular part of the body (energy center/chakra) it best supports

Satiety Index is a neat tool to identify the most filling foods. Try these before GLP1 weight loss drugs

Four main goals of diet: minimize toxic high-PUFA “vegetable”/seed oils, maximize nutrient density, reduce toxicity, and keep blood sugar stable

Unfollow “experts” that claim to have the universal diet that’s best for everyone (or ones that include a diet in their username, as they’re generally unreceptive to new contradictory evidence)

Fasting, carnivore, and elimination diets can be helpful short-term tools to reset the gut

Log 1-2 days of eating with a tool like Cronometer to understand your caloric, vitamin, mineral, and general nutrient intake

Some of the most nutrient-dense foods include liver, spleen, kidney, heart, small fish, shrimp, bivalves, beef, eggs, & dark leafy greens

“Food is medicine”, but only if it contains vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, terpenes, flavonoids, phenolics, fats, amino acids, alkaloids, and other phytochemicals

Choose fresh (or frozen) food whenever you can. The longer it lasts on the shelf, the worse it is for you

Soil quality determines nutrient density of plants or animals. Foods never contain the nutrient dosages listed on the label. The actual nutrition profile depends on the farm. Eat local and in-season whenever possible

Some companies like Shire, Paleovalley, and Wild Pastures make sourcing quality local foods much more convenient

Gauge food by how it makes you feel the next day

That which you resist persists. Indulge, but notice how you feel after

Look & Feel Your Best

15 Key Tools to Transform Your Body

Whether you’re looking to pack on some muscle or torch body fat, fitness gets confusing.

So I designed this cheat sheet, to handpick the most essential tools the pros use to transform their bodies in minimal time.

Grab your FREE copy now!

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These Products Help With Your Diet & Nutrition

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Seatopia Sushi-Grade Seafood

Getting clean sushi-grade seafood delivered straight to your door is now easier than ever. Seatopia provides microplastic-free, antibiotic-free, mercury-safe, and easy to prepare seafood through their subscription boxes. Heavy metal…

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Wild Pastures Ultimate Meat Subscription Box

99% of meat in the USA is factory-farmed. Due to shady regulations, even the ones with “grass-fed” labels. Industrial CAFO meat is lower in nutrients, and higher in pesticides, hormones,…

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Paleovalley Snacks & Supplements

Unhealthy food contributes to ~678,000 deaths in the US each year. Food scientists engineer most products in grocery stores to hijack your brain chemicals, hormones, and biology. Paleovalley has made…

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