Stress Reduction
Your body doesn’t differentiate between stress from sources. Work, school, relationships, and even “healthy” stress from things like exercise, fasting, sauna, cold plunging, etc all fill the same “stress bucket”.
Even elite performers that thrive on stress eventually learn that chronically, over the long-term it wears down your body, burns you out, and causes disease.
Incorporating bioharmonic techniques into your life cultivates your resilience and bulletproofs your mind, body, and spirit.

Stress Reduction Power Tips
97% of people are stressed or tired; your lifestyle should balance catabolic body degenerating stress (yang) with anabolic life building recovery (yin)
Deliberate breathwork practices are one of the fastest ways to powerfully counteract stress
Reduce high-intensity exercise, fasting, calorie restriction, sauna exposure, and oxidative therapies if you’re already under a lot of stress… You’ll only overload your body
Largely because of stress, the average doctor lives 10 years less than the average patient
Undigested, unresolved emotions are a top cause of stress; stress is the primary cause of disease; therefore, unresolved emotions are the top cause of disease
Stress is biochemically addictive, causing similar brain chemical releases as street drugs
You can stop stress cold with potent molecules like GABA, picamilon, phenibut, pregnenolone, progesterone, and many others… but unless you address the root (often emotional) layer, you’ve only applied a pharmacological bandaid
Adaptogenic supplements safely and profoundly modulate stress levels back into optimal ranges
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