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Water & Hydration

Water is more than just H2O. It’s a broadband sender, receiver, and transmitter of biological information. Upgrade your cellular water, transform your life.

You’re mostly water. As you strive for peak performance, few things matter as much as staying properly hydrated.

Water is a substrate required for 100-200 metabolic processes throughout the body.

Here, we explore how water and hydration hold the key to unlocking your potential. Around the world, different healing waters regularly cure folks from terminal conditions.

Not just physically. Water acts like an antenna to connect you to intuition and the rest of life.

Through the practice of BioHarmonization, you’ll learn how to optimize your water to level up your quality of life.

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Water & Hydration Power Tips

99 out of every 100 molecules in the body are water. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining overall health and bodily functions

Calling water H2O is like calling a house a box—too mechanistic. It’s really a biological communication system

Water intake rule of thumb is half your bodyweight lbs but in ounces (200 lb man targets 100 oz of water)

Pure water without electrolytes actually dehydrates, and in extreme cases, can kill you

On average, 40% of the contaminants (60% of chlorine) in the water that touches your skin pass directly into the blood stream

Filter your water (drinking, shower, etc) to remove toxins & contaminants, then fortify with added minerals

Sea water is the only substance in the solar system that contains the entire periodic table of elements

The concentration of electrolytes in your blood approximates that of sea water

Researchers in Switzerland found cholesterol-lowering drugs (in their inactive form) in water supply, but the bacteria in the water converted it back into its active form

The vast majority of the water within your body is in a gelatinous “structured” form

Mere 1% dehydration massively reduces brainpower and physical performance and results in larger blood sugar spikes

Detoxification does not occur without adequate intracellular water

Ensure adequate sodium intake to prevent increased cortisol levels and to maintain proper hydration balance

The optimal water strategy comprises either harvesting fresh spring water; or filtering, re-mineralizing, structuring, and then “energizing”/imprinting

Longevity hotspots have incredibly mineral-rich water

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These Products Help With Your Water & Hydration

paleovalley electrolytes supplement

Paleovalley Electrolytes

The most popular and useful sports performance aid is hydration. In fact, many athletes rely on hydration products to keep their bodies at the optimal level of hydration. Don’t be…

analemma water wand review

Analemma Water Wand

Analemma is a device that supercharges water into its optimal, full-spectrum, coherent state. Technology far beyond water structuring, vortexing, or filtration. Early research shows water swirled with Analemma drastically slows…

aquatru product

AquaTru Water Filter

99 out of 100 molecules in the human body are water. AquaTru’s reverse osmosis filtration system transforms average city tap water into the taste and purity of pristine mountain spring…

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