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Biohacker’s Ultimate Water Protocol for Deep Cellular Hydration & Optimal Health

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biohacking hydration guide
biohacking hydration guide

When I sought the best water for cellular hydration, I quickly discovered a glaring issue…

Mere filtration isn’t enough and doesn’t mimic water in its natural state.

Few companies offered all-in-one-products.

The ones that do, charge an arm and a leg for it.

What about natural spring water?

A century ago, you couldn’t find better, more therapeutic water. Now, those previously pristine bodies of water lab test high for heavy metals and industrial pollutants.

So biohackers and advanced health optimizers take matters into our own hands, and upgrade our water. Beyond filtration, putting it into a form more readily usable by the body.

In this post, I’ll share my exact process to enjoy therapeutic water on demand.

The toxic contents of tap & bottled water

You may imagine that water goes straight from the spring through your tap or neatly packed into bottled water.

That’s not exactly how it happens.

Tap water makes its way through water/sewage treatment facilities, undergoes heavy processing, and enters municipal plumbing before it exits your sink.

Bottled water doesn’t fare much better. First, the water source is highly variable. Many companies use reverse osmosis filtration technology before bottling in plastic containers. Reverse osmosis, while highly effective, also strips the water of minerals and makes it more unstable.

Plastic leaches more readily into the water. Plus, bottled water is held to lower quality standard than tap [R].

Either route, bottled or tap, your water contains unhealthy levels of [R, R]:

  • Fluoride
  • Chlorine
  • Chloramine
  • PCBS
  • Bisphenols (BPA, BPE, BPE, etc)
  • Atrazine
  • Herbicides
  • Pesticides
  • Insecticides
  • Rodendacides
  • Water-soluble heavy metals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • PFAS
  • Microplastics
  • Nano-plastics

And plenty of toxic forever chemicals and other contaminants.

Just filtering your tap water won’t make you healthy

The top benefits of proper cellular hydration

Several legendary scientists have devoted their careers to studying water. You may have heard of some of the prominent ones, like Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. William Tiller, and Theodor Schwenk.

Perhaps most profoundly, and my favorite, was an Austrian forester and inventor named Viktor Schauberger.

Virtually all these authorities on water agree that you should filter your water. Not only that, but take your water quality a few steps further.

Water is much more than plain molecules of H2O Share on X

Viktor Schauberger accomplished feats with water that tackled the unexplainable science and defied Newtonian physics.

His theories on water and natural energy emphasized biomimicry—replicating natural processes to amplify water’s life-giving properties.

  1. Temperature & Purity: He pointed out that temperature and purity are foundational to water quality. Cooler temperatures and minimal pollution are key to maintaining water’s health
  2. Vortexing: Schauberger observed that natural water bodies, like streams and rivers, often move in spirals or vortices. He believed this movement maintained water’s vitality and energy. Vortexing helps to aerate and rejuvenate water, restoring its natural structure and vitality
  3. Natural Flow: Naturally flowing water behaves differently and has unique properties. He argued that straight channels and artificial manipulation disrupt water’s natural energy and structure, reducing its life-enhancing properties

Viktor was quite possibly the most brilliant mind in water science, and his work lives on in his many published books on the subject.

If he lived in today’s environment, he’d surely advocate combining technologies to further enhance water quality.

Step 1: Filtration

While some scientists and doctors prioritize energetically enhancing water (structuring, vortexing, imprinting, etc) ahead of filtration, to me, removing the junk is the logical first step.

It’s the safest and most important step to make sure you’re not consuming all the junk in today’s municipal tap water.

There are really only two options to remove all the bad stuff from water:

  1. Distillation + carbon block
  2. Reverse osmosis + carbon block

Both methods are effective, and high-quality systems typically feature multiple filtration stages (four or more).

You must also decide if you want to filter just your drinking water, or your whole home. Both have significant pros and cons.

You can’t really buy whole-home water distillation, so this comparison will be for reverse osmosis:

Whole home filtration 🏠Point of use filtration 💦
Setup cost$$$$
Maintenance cost$$$
Impurities left in waterMinimalMinimal

The major advantage of whole home filtration is that your shower water dramatically improves too. Since your skin absorbs up to 50% of what contacts it, this can have a massive impact.

There are several decent products on the market. The ones I’d use and recommend include:

  1. MITOLIFE Whole Home Filtration – great price, automatic remineralization, low upkeep cost, and great effectiveness
  2. AquaTru – affordable, portable, good for most people

Since I don’t own my home, I use a point of use reverse osmosis filter, which you can learn about in my AquaTru reverse osmosis system review.

Step 2: Remineralize

Using either of the above technologies will remove just about everything from your water. That’s a pro and con.

One of the big and incredibly common mistakes between the health conscious water filtration crowd is to drink the water as is

This water is considered “dead” because it’s devoid of everything. Water in nature never resembles this.

As a result, it’s highly “aggressive” and binds to everything it contacts. If that’s a plastic bottle, it’ll leech more of that plastic (micro-plastics and nano-plastics included) into the water.

Instead, you need to remineralize the filtered water by adding minerals back into it. I recommend and use one of these high-quality trace minerals liquids.

At the very least, add a small pinch of clean unrefined salt like this one.

You also have the option to take electrolyte supplements if you prefer adding more essential minerals to your water.

Just enough that it shouldn’t taste salty. This step’s crucial not only for your long-term health, but also to make the next steps more effective too.

Step 3: Infuse

Composition analysis of the world’s top therapeutic waters shows significant differences from ordinary tap water.

Interestingly, these waters contain higher levels of one or more of:

  1. Molecular hydrogen gas
  2. Dissolved oxygen
  3. Natural carbon dioxide
  4. Unique microbial communities
  5. Minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, silica, and sodium
  6. Trace elements including lithium, selenium, zinc, sulfur compounds, and others

Since we’ve already discussed (and added) the final items in that list, I find the first four most interesting.

Brown’s gas is a highly promising substance for optimal health. Quality machines like this one infuse water with both molecular hydrogen and dissolved oxygen simultaneously.

I’d love to infuse CO2 too, but it still significantly enhances water with the other two.

Step 4: Structure & vortex

Structured water (H3O2) is the naturally altered form of uncontaminated water found in glaciers and springs.

Its molecular structure is altered, giving it unique properties and enhanced benefits.

Structured water, also known as Exclusion Zone (“EZ”) water, forms when the molecular structure of regular water is brought into greater coherence, resulting in deeper hydration and improved bioavailability.

Usually, you structure water using special devices like the Analemma Water Wand. Check out my Analemma Water review to see how it works.

You can also structure water via vortexing.

Vortexing involves creating a spiral or vortex motion in the water. The motion mimics natural water movement found in streams and rivers Share on X

It’s theorized to improve the quality and taste of water as well as restore the natural properties lost during modern processing.

You can manually vortex water by stirring water in a circular motion or using mechanical devices designed to create a vortex.

Step 5: Energize & Imprint

Freshly structured water is bare and ready to take in informational signals. This capitalizes on the effect of water holding “memory”. Nature does this automatically to spring water.

Since our water came through a man-made filter, we choose what information to overwrite it with.

Any frequency you apply gets imprinted into the water’s structural matrix. When you consume this programmed water, the information gets transferred into the water inside your body.

You have high-tech and natural ways to energize and imprint water. Some of the top tools include:

Personally, my favorite by far is Infopathy. You choose any of thousands of items from their online catalog and electromagnetism imprints the substance into the water.

Learn more in my Infopathy “infoceuticals” review.

DIY All-In-One Option

A few companies offer premium, all-in-one water optimization systems.

They come at a significant cost and are well out of the budget of most people.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of a scientific water optimization process without the headache of doing it yourself, you can check out some of these options:

Personally, I don’t own either and I’m not affiliated with them.

You could also create your own healthy morning water to start every day well-hydrated.

Biohacking The Ultimate Water Upgrade

The undisputed consensus dictates that water is the basis of all life.

Although we’re only about 70% water by volume, molecularly, we’re 99.95% water molecules.

Filtering your water is a necessity and great first step due to the rampant pollution of today Share on X

But that’s inadequate. Water is more than simply H2O.

The water inside your body and cells structurally doesn’t match tap water. That’s what the world’s greatest water scientists have urged for centuries.

That’s the origin of many of the therapeutic benefits of dry fasting.

You don’t need to follow all five steps listed here. Yet the more you do, the more beneficial your water.

If you want to learn more about all things water & hydration, you’ll find the best Outliyr hydration resources here.

What about you?

I’d love to hear what you do to biohacking and optimize your water. Drop a comment below and let me know.

Post Tags: Biohacking, Drinks, Home, Hydration, Lifestyle, Water

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