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Paul CHEK Institute Review: Experience of a CHEK Practitioner

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Paul CHEK Institute Training Practitioner Review
Paul CHEK Institute Training Practitioner Review

When researching the top holistic health & fitness programs, you’ll surely come across Paul Chek’s Institute and/or Academy.

Paul was among the first to prove the efficacy of holistic wellness and fitness (looking at the “whole person”) on the world’s top athletes, businesspeople, and other high-achievers.

Over the long term, generic cookie-cutter plans ultimately fail or injure almost everyone. Students of Paul Chek learn to personalize each program. For the best, lifelong results.

Plus, these programs teach you how the human body and mind actually work. The holistic approach recognizes that human biology is intricately connected. Change any other pathway, molecule, or system, and you change the entire being.

All in all, these teachings help you get results where other health coaches and fitness professionals often fail. Following a scientific process:

  • Assessment
  • Interpretation
  • Customization
  • Re-evaluation

Although it’s not perfect, the CHEK Institute’s reputation and the skills you develop along the way will put you in the top 1% of health professionals. Even if you already have a graduate degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Science, or Physiology.

This is the only education you need to deeply understand humans, behavior, and most importantly, to transform lives (yours and your clients).

I’m a certified CHEK Practitioner, and still constantly learning. So in this review of the CHEK Institute programs, I’ll share everything you should know and help you decide if it’s right for you.

What is the CHEK Institute?

5 Holistic Health Tips from Paul Chek’s Institute

The CHEK Institute is among the best professional training institutes certifying individuals in holistic health and personalized functional fitness training. Founded by Paul Chek, who is also the primary teacher and lead Trainer.

This institute is known for producing some of the most effective health professionals across industries. As a result, the CHEK Designation has gained impressive prestige.

Should you want a thorough multi-year program, the related CHEK Academy acts as a viable (and arguably more valuable) alternative to a traditional four-year undergraduate degree.

Upon completion of any Advanced Training Program, you gain access to the network of other CHEK professionals. You also get the option of adding your credentials to a database that clients can use to find skilled practitioners (like you).

So who is Paul Chek and what makes his Institute unique?

Who is Paul Chek?

Paul Chek is a health, wellness, and fitness pioneer. He invented training with the Swiss Ball and popularized functional equipment like the Bosu ball. Paul is one of the fathers of functional fitness training and has many decades of industry experience.

He’s ex-military and an ex-professional athlete. Paul is best known for his specialties of corrective and high-performance exercise, functional rehabilitation, and holistic lifestyle coaching.

When other professionals fail, clients turn to Paul Chek. Including professional athletes and celebrities.

He’s also one of the leading voices in the science of spirituality, deeply understanding (and teaching) the mind-body-spirit connection. To demonstrate this knowledge, in 1997 Paul beat out hundreds of people to win the International Remote Viewing Association’s (IRVA) remote viewing contest.

Although he never attended college, Paul is incredibly well-read and invests heavily in his library. Paul’s an educator and author of the bestselling book “How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!”.

You can study this book, and all by itself, create yourself a better wellness place than most non-CHEK professionals.

Most important, Paul teaches you how not what to think. He insists that you don’t just take his word for it, but personally test everything he says for yourself.

By the end of any of the CHEK Advanced Training Programs, no matter your previous experience, you’ll emerge better equipped to handle life.

Though you can take any of a dozen or so courses whenever you like, the Institute has a particular track recommended (and proven) to get you the best results.

The CHEK Ecosystem Defined

When you start looking into the CHEK system, you’ll likely get confused.

They have all kinds of separate platforms and similar terminology makes it tricky to remember what’s what.

So, here are the essential platforms and CHEK phrases you’ll come across most often:

  • CHEK Institute — where most people (including me) take their Online Courses and Advanced Training Programs. It’s completely self-paced.
  • CHEK Academy — a formal education that’s gently paced over 3-5 years that progresses you from zero up to Master CHEK Practitioner. It’s more expensive and designed as an alternative to traditional undergrad at a university.
  • CHEK Shop — the place you buy learning materials, courses, and physical equipment
  • CHEK Connect — a database that prospective clients can use to find a local practitioner (you). Listing your business is free
  • CHEK Circle — a social media networking app created exclusively for Chek professionals.
  • CHEK Practitioner — someone who’s completed some level of HLC and IMS.

We’ll focus mostly on the CHEK Institute in this post, as that’s the most common route.

Armed with this knowledge, let’s dig in.

The CHEK Institute Career Path & Course Tracks

The CHEK Institute basically has two core tracks and multiple levels of each.

They also offer a separate program specifically for golf coaches.

The CHEK student tracks include:

  • Integrated Movement Science (IMS)
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC)
  • Golf Performance Specialization (GPS)

Students who take both IMS and HLC become what are known as “CHEK Practitioners”. More on that later.

The CHEK Institute originally designed each of its program tracks for Medical Doctors, Naturopathic Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapists, Osteopathic Physician Assistants, Registered Dietitians, Dentists, and all kinds of other health and fitness professionals.

While health professionals certainly have the advantage of prior anatomical and physiological knowledge, later revisions have made each of the CHEK courses accessible to virtually anyone.

You just need motivation to learn.

CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach

From my experience, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaching is their flagship product. This is the most universal, simple, and overall helpful Advanced Training Program.

In the first level, you learn how to assess your own health, fitness, and overall well-being. You’re given all kinds of powerful tools and processes to make the material easy to implement. You also learn the basics of exercise, program design, and the fundamentals of wellness. The recordings are a bit old, but the content is timeless.

All you really need for yourself is HLC1. It’s available (for fairly cheap) online.

You can also use it with clients. HLC2 builds on HLC1 and introduces tons of new systems, methodologies, and templates for professionals to work with clients. You also go much deeper into hormones, bodily systems, and common roadblocks, and get a more thorough understanding of health status.

HLC2 is also online, but quite a bit more expensive.

Finally, HLC3 goes into psychospiritual and bioenergetic influences that underlie clients’ inability to make long-term changes. As well as how parasites, fungal infections, and other factors affect your assessments. This program is based on case studies.

HLC3 is not available online and is the most expensive of all three (by a lot).

CHEK Integrated Movement Science

Anyone looking to truly master the art and science of human movement should consider the Integrated Movement Scientist track (formerly called “CHEK Exercise Coach”).

After completing IMS1, I’m now much more wary of personal trainers without this experience.

Whether for personal or professional reasons, the IMS track will arm you with everything you need to:

  • Get faster results
  • Prevent injury
  • Recover from injury
  • Understand anatomy & physiology
  • Scientifically assess ability
  • Design personalized programs
  • Correct bodily imbalances

From compensation patterns to the essential categories of “Primal Movement Patterns” that humans require for health, to biological control centers, to activity/sports-specific neurological development, to corrective movements. This track has it all.

That “functional training” background is especially important. Basically, it’s designing training to help athletes or clients thrive in their particular environments.

A cashier, for example, may benefit most from balancing and improving their ability to rotate (scanning items and loading groceries).

A motocross racer, on the other hand, should probably practice training on unstable surfaces.

IMS1 is much more expensive than HLC1. Although there’s an online version of it too, each level of IMS has a mandatory in-person skills assessment.

Although I haven’t taken it yet, IMS2 builds upon the previous foundation. Increasing the breadth of the teachings to apply to the wider population.

While also learning to assess infant neuro-development movement, optimize posture, and expand your toolkit of movements to address functional deficits and imbalances. IMS2 also explores the interplay between the autonomic nervous system and exercise.

IMS3 focuses on the rehabilitation and conditioning of the spine and lower extremities.

IMS4 is more about developmental and survival reflexes as well as overcoming barriers to healing (emotional and mental). IMS4 students make excellent additions to medical practices.

Finally, IMS5 is an integration of all previous levels with an added emphasis on the metaphysics of health and disease.

The entire IMS track also has more rigorous prerequisites than HLC. These are complimentary CHEK (mini) courses that provide the necessary background knowledge and context for the full Advanced Training Programs.

Integrated Movement Science is setting the new standard for intelligent fitness. Getting students and their clients better results, in less time, doing less, and with far fewer injuries.

CHEK Golf Performance Specialist

CHEK Golf Performance Specialist program is like an abbreviated IMS1 but specifically to help golfers excel in their sport.

Drawing on his extensive exercise personally working with golfers, and the lucrative nature of the sport, Paul makes this an excellent add-on to compliment any health pro’s skillset. Assuming they want to work with golfers.

They designed the CHEK Whole in One System to improve performance and minimize injury risk. Specifically, this course helps you develop the ability to:

  • Biomechanically and posturally analyze the golf swing
  • Improve performance with specific flexibility-enhancing stretches
  • Progress conditioning to ward off injury

This one is shorter, moderately expensive (in between HLC1 and IMS1), and available completely online.

I don’t have much interest in golf—let alone coaching it—so I haven’t taken this course myself.

If you’re interested in coaching golfers, this mini Advanced Training Program provides some of the essentials of Integrated Movement Science specifically for golf performance and injury prevention. All online, at a moderate cost, and doable on a weekend.

CHEK Institute Review: Total Courses Offered

The CHEK system divides its courses into two primary categories:

  • Online Courses
  • Advanced Training Programs

Online Courses tend to be cheaper, shorter, obviously available online, and prerequisites to the Advanced Training Programs.

The Institute often adds more, but at the time of this writing, their catalog contains the following.

Online Courses include:

  • Program Design 2nd Edition
  • Advanced Program Design – 2nd Edition
  • Scientific Back Training
  • Scientific Core Conditioning
  • Scientific Shoulder Training
  • Scientific Stretching
  • The CHEK Approach to the Lower Limb
  • Holistic Health and Performance for Women
  • Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 1 – Pre-requisite Bundle
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 2 – Pre-requisite Bundle
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 3 – Pre-requisite Bundle
  • Natural Fertility: An Integrated Approach to Reproductive Health
  • Primal Pattern® Eating
  • Primal Pattern® Movements
  • Spinal Structures and Function
  • The CHEK Approach to Swiss Ball Conditioning
  • The Science and Application of Infant Development for Adults
  • Walking Tall

Then we have Advanced Training Programs. These are the Chek Institute’s signature courses. ATPs are longer, more comprehensive, more expensive, and more rigorous, and most require in-person assessment and/or training.

The ATPs usually require one or more Online Courses as prerequisites.

Advanced Training Programs include:

  • Golf Performance Specialist ONLINE
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 1 LIVE
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 1 ONLINE
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 2 LIVE
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 2 ONLINE
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Level 3 LIVE
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 1 LIVE
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 1 ONLINE
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 2 LIVE
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 3 LIVE
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 4 LIVE
  • Integrated Movement Science Level 5 LIVE

Both Online Courses and ATPs often contain lectures, training manuals, quizzes, case studies, worksheets, and forms/templates to use with clients.

When you take both Holistic Lifestyle Coaching and Integrated Movement Science, you become what’s known as a CHEK Practitioner.

CHEK Practitioner

CHEK Practitioners have backgrounds in exercise science, behavior change, and functional health.

They see how things typically viewed as separate from exercise impact health, well-being, and exercise performance:

  • Sleep quality and duration
  • Stress in all its forms
  • Hydration
  • Food choice, amount, sequencing, and macros
  • Breathing patterns
  • Digestion
  • Parasitic infections
  • The origin of spontaneous pains
  • Hormonal rhythms
  • Circadian health
  • Supplements and medications

In my opinion, HLC1 + IMS1 should be prerequisites for anyone entering a health-related career. While you get some exposure to program design and foundational fitness in HLC1, IMS1 takes that much broader and deeper.

Even at the first level (CHEK Practitioner Level 1), these professionals grasp how the body truly works and easily observe the many mistakes made by non-CHEK professional peers.

The more you study, the greater your abilities. Each CHEK Practitioner level builds on the previous:

  1. CHEK Training Professional — either level 1 of HLC or IMS
  2. Functional Health Coach — level 1 of IMS + HLC
  3. Integrated Health Coach — level 2 of IMS + HLC
  4. Rehabilitation Specialist — Integrated Health Coach + level 3 of IMS
  5. Clinical Specialist — level 3 of HLC + level 4 of IMS
  6. Master CHEK Practitioner — level 5 of IMS + CHEK Thesis

Although in my opinion, the first two levels of HLC (and I imagine IMS but I’ve only taken IMS1 so far) matter most. After that, you learn to work with unique cases such as pregnancy, injury rehab, etc.

How much do CHEK Practitioners make?

From conversations with 11 fellow CHEK Practitioners (so far), salary varies significantly.

Of course, the hourly rates tend to correlate with the trainer’s level of training and real-world experience.

On average, certified CHEK Practitioners make $100 – $500 per hour.

Far higher than the industry average.

Some CHEK Practitioners offer monthly coaching packages instead of hourly training rates.

My Experience Becoming a CHEK Practitioner

I came across Paul Chek nearly a decade ago as I began studying functional health.

I read his book, “How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy!” and immediately began implementing what I learned. Published nearly two decades ago, this book was way ahead of its time. And still quite relevant, and applicable.

Then I found his blog and Living 4D podcast. Recently, I decided to check out HLC around 2019. I didn’t expect to learn more, and it blew my mind.

Holistic (meaning whole-person) health and fitness have surged in popularity over the last few years. As every human has tremendous bio-individuality, the skilled coach personalizes programs. Using a scientific approach.

Although they filmed HLC1 what appears to have been decades ago, the lessons and wisdom are timeless. Universally applicable and needed by everyone—everyday folks and practitioners alike.

Shortly thereafter, I progressed on to IMS1. Just as they offered a mostly online version of the course. Virtually, I attended several days of class all day and homework in the evening. It was impossible to balance simultaneously with a full-time job.

From learning how to assess clients, to understanding the complexities and common pitfalls of program design, I immediately realized the value of IMS.

I like that both programs emphasize how lifestyle impacts all facets of health and performance—something often neglected among personal trainers. I also liked the thoroughness of the programs.

Both go wide and deep. The course prerequisites give you all the necessary background, making it quite accessible. Having not studied, I actually failed my first exam. The assessments are 150 questions and quite thorough.

You won’t pass these by just studying your typical health or fitness info. Before the IMS1 in-personal skills assessment, you’ll certainly want to study for a while too. This isn’t some rubber-stamping degree papermill. Which is why the CHEK designation has prestige.

In fact, I’d bet that most trainers—even most health professionals (including doctors)—wouldn’t pass these exams without heavy studying.

I’ve since also taken HLC2 Online which nicely builds on the previous. Where HLC1 introduces tools, frameworks, processes, and a holistic understanding, HLC2 is more geared towards implementation with clients. They also just filmed it recently, so the user experience is much better.

Although you can do just fine as a coach with only HLC1.

I expected Paul to teach all the courses (after all, the Institute is named after him). Although he doesn’t, the quality of instruction doesn’t dip much from the other staff.

Without realizing it, in some ways learning this system acted like a “red pill” experience. Let me explain.

The true role of a CHEK Coach

Previously, I thought of coaches as providing motivation and pushing clients to get results.

Physically, that meant getting them to work up a sweat. Cognitively, charging forward faster and harder.

After completing the Advanced Training Programs, my paradigm completely shifted.

I’d walk into box gyms and observe trainers pushing unprepared clients. Usually, under-recovered, over-stressed, undernourished, dehydrated, and overworked. Clients exercising with bad form, at the wrong intensity, for too long, following generic cookie-cutter programs.

All in the same of burning calories, working hard, and sweating in the process.

There lies the dichotomy.

Clients expect trainers to kick their butt. To make them leave the workout feeling drained and thus accomplished.

Yet the skilled practitioner has a very different role.

Instead, starting with a custom assessment. Then building long-term optimal health and minimizing injury. Usually, this involves regressions and dramatically reducing intensity, exercise frequency, or volume.

Taking a step back to build a functional core, correct imbalances, and address any lifestyle hindrances.

To most clients that I’ve worked with other personal trainers, the Chek approach initially doesn’t feel like a workout. Trainers worry that the clients view it as a waste of money.

There lies the problem…

Do what the client expects and exacerbate any issues. Or do what they need and risk getting fired.

I’ve found that using the forms and repeat assessments shows progress and helps keep them motivated to continue. As well as setting expectations that building the proper foundation can take weeks.

Many Chekies will do a little of both until they get their client’s full buy-in.

My Observations of The CHEK Institute

I’ve been a member of the CHEK Institute for years now.

Since I joined, it has grown and improved significantly.

I’ve also seen the drawbacks and issues.

Now, I’ll review both.

CHEK Institute Review: The Pros

My experience with this organization has been overwhelmingly positive.

Breadth & depth of training. If you want to understand how the human body and mind really work, at the fundamental core level, you will not find better programs. The prerequisites cover the breadth, and the Advanced Training Programs go quite deep.

True holistic integration. Before creating these programs, Paul traveled the world and attended hundreds of trainings across different fields and specializations. You’ll learn a unified methodology that incorporates nutrition, neuroscience, functional biomechanics, endocrinology, ancient healing, and psychology.

Stellar reputation. The CHEK designation after your name will make you stand out in any crowd. When other professionals fail, clients turn to CHEK Practitioners. This credential carries a lot of weight in the industry.

Functional, dynamic, and personalized. Regardless of the track you choose, you’ll master the process of building highly functional programs that get results. Over the long term. You can apply these to friends, family, and yourself too. Plus, the very nature of the system helps address issues even without needing to fully understand any biomarkers or clinical labels.

Training materials. The courses come with all kinds of invaluable graphics, charts, printables, templates, and worksheets. I’ve printed and laminated many of them for quick reference. These are invaluable to the training and make it far easier to learn and apply. The newer courses have further improved.

Post-education support. Upon completing a course, you gain access to the community of global alumni. The CHEK network is quite powerful and supportive. They also host weekly live Q&A webinars.

Professional directory. Similarly, once you’ve passed your final exam, you’re invited to list yourself in the direction of global Chek Practitioners. Then, clients in your area will find you organically. It’s completely free.

Rigorous programs. These are not for the uncommitted. The exams will challenge even the most skilled health professional. Many of the Advanced Training Programs also have an in-person demonstration of ability. Although this makes it harder, you’ll certainly emerge with tangible skills.

Career stability. Unlike many jobs that the rise of AI threatens, demand only continues to grow for this unique type of health and performance-optimizing professional. Sadly, as the world continues getting sicker and sicker, more people will find and hire CHEK Practitioners.

Teaches independent thinking. Paul Chek is a true scientist in the realest meaning of the world. Most education focuses on what you should think. Paul teaches how to think critically and avoid falling victim to propaganda. Plus, he urges students to test things for themselves in the real world instead of blindly relying on academic theory.

CHEK Institute Review: The Cons

The CHEK methodology is not for everyone.

Little business content. Paul did a great job thoroughly addressing the health side of coaching and training. Running a thriving practice, however, requires business acumen. No matter how talented your health and fitness background. The programs I’ve taken talk very little about building and running a business.

Minor glitches. Over the dozen or so courses I’ve taken, I’ve come across some small issues. Such as courses not automatically unlocking, or resources not arriving in the mail like they should. As the Institute has grown and transitioned platforms, this has become less of an issue though.

Annual continuing education credits. In order to maintain active CHEK status, you must pay a $60 annual renewal fee as well as show proof of continued personal development. You must accrue 15 Personal Development Credits (PDCs) every year. It’s pretty easy to accomplish and helps you professionally anyway. But this adds extra time and cost.

Partially missing content. A few times throughout my studies, I wondered if I had missed something important. Between the thorough 150+ page course manuals, the requisites, and the videos, it’s easy to overlook things. And it can be difficult to locate the supportive materials.

Some old content. Although timeless in nature, some of the older online programs (HLC1) appear to have been filmed decades ago. The content itself is still valid, I would just prefer to feel like I spent money on something current.

Inconsistent support. For the last year, they’ve been transitioning tech platforms. I’ve had a few glitches which prompted me to reach out to support. I usually got responses within a day or two, but sometimes my messages fell through the cracks and I had to follow up multiple times. I expect their support team will grow.

Expensive. The Online Courses and Advanced Training Programs are certainly pricier than the competition. Especially as you progress to higher levels. Plus, for many of them, you must also account for the added travel expenses. It’s well worth it, in my opinion, but definitely comes at a premium price.

Lacking recognition. For such an advanced and expensive program, you’d expect that the major sporting certifiers would recognize it. However, it’s not yet well recognized by ISSA, NCSA, NASM, ACE, or some other big names.

Some controversial teachings. Although I don’t have any issues with it, I’ve met two other CHEK Practitioners who dislike Paul’s teaching around religion, spirituality, and metaphysics.

Major commitment. Each of these programs takes time. Especially the Advanced Training Programs. Some of them also have homework. Expect to carve out many hours to complete each. They list the hours of recorded training content, but not much about how long they actually take to complete.

All this said, while completely optional, you can get dramatically better results with a few simple tools.

Recommended Tools for Success as a CHEK Practitioner

These programs stand for themselves. Paul also designed them decades ago, before the technological boom.

You can do everything the old-fashioned way and fax and email your clients’ forms. Or, you can enjoy the efficiency and ease of some modern tech.

From conversations with fellow Practitioners, there are four general recommendations for additional tech to help your business thrive:

  • All-In-One Coaching
  • Genetic Analytics
  • Blood Lab Testing
  • Daily Wearable

First and most important, is the foundation of any business.

All-In-One App for CHEK Practitioners, Trainers, & Coaches

Certain platforms can help you manage your entire online business.

From client onboarding, to messaging, to scheduling meetings, to customizing training plans, to selling products via an eCommerce shop, to gathering assessments and questionnaires.

Some can even help you provide CHEK resources.

All in one platform.

The tools are constantly changing.

Click here to visit the current best all-in-one software for CHEK Professionals.

Genetic Testing

Additionally, many coaches like to run special genetic tests to help understand client predispositions, risks, opportunities, and even personality. These are much more advanced (and secure) than 23andMe.

What I like about genetic testing is that it can quickly uncover blindspots and skip the trial-and-error. Best of all, good DNA analytics services only require one test per life. The issue, however, is that most are basically worthless.

You’ll want a quality tool like SelfDecode. Check out my SelfDecode review to learn why it’s the only one I use and recommend.

Blood Labs

Many practitioners like to run blood lab panels 1-3 times per year. This test can help quantifiably demonstrate key improvements the client experienced from working together.

You can also use it as another data point to understand their current status. Clients notoriously misrepresent or lie on intake forms out of fear of judgment (among many reasons).

Since I’m not a doctor, I rely on a service that prescribes a blood test. With the client’s permission, as their coach, you can see their results for 46+ different biomarkers. I do this through a company called InsideTracker and you can learn more in my InsideTracker review.


Finally, wearables provide several distinct advantages.

First, clients know that you can see their data. Merely knowing that you’ll ask or will check often helps them make better decisions.

While some people may exaggerate how early they went to bed, how many drinks they consumed, or how much they moved, the data doesn’t lie.

You can actually see their compliance and adjust accordingly.

Best of all, wearables collect data automatically and use machine learning to generate beautiful reports. This is invaluable to the health pro.

I prefer (and personally use) the Oura ring, but the WHOOP or even Apple Watch can also work.

Reviewing Paul Chek’s Institute: Final Verdict

The modern human is rapidly devolving.

On average:

  • IQ has dropped 8 points over the last 20 years
  • Depression is 50% more likely now than 20 years ago
  • Testosterone levels in men has dropped 50% over the last 20 years
  • Obesity is 300% more likely than 60 years ago

The average American spends $14,600 annually on healthcare.

Instead of wasting that money on reactive treatment, more folks are waking up to prevention. Which costs a small fraction and yields a far higher quality of life.

Health professionals help bridge the gap.

Sadly, most trainers and coaches use industry-standard cookie-cutter approaches. Regardless of their life circumstances or prescribing the same routine. No matter their stress, recovery, mindset, exercise form, sleep, emotional state, or current capabilities.

If something does come up, your typical trainer may focus on the symptoms.

Inevitably, these programs cause injuries or only short-term results. When their sessions together end, clients return to their previous lifestyle.

There’s a better way…

Training through the CHEK Institute puts you at the nexus point of change and growth.

Taking the holistic (whole person) approach helps tease out the root causes underlying their current state. You learn how to think, not just what to think.

The CHEK process applies scientific rigor to positively impact your fellow humans:

  • Assessments and functional testing
  • Interpretation
  • Custom program designed to correct imbalances and dysfunctions
  • Means testing to ensure ease of implementation
  • Re-evaluation
  • Dynamic changes with client goals and lifestyle

If you just want to make people sweat, get a quick buck, and repeat, CHEK isn’t for you.

Anyone interested in learning how the body and mind truly work won’t find anything more comprehensive.

You’ll learn to integrate wisdom across many different disciplines. Even though they originally designed it for medical professionals, the prerequisites make the CHEK Institute accessible to all backgrounds.

If you to stand out from other health professionals, this is your opportunity.

It has its share of flaws and annoyances, but for me, the CHEK Institute has certainly been worth the cost. And I went in with lots of functional and holistic health knowledge.

So if you haven’t already, click the button below to go check it out…

If you enjoyed this review, I’d be grateful if shared it on social media or sent it to a friend you think this would benefit.

Or you can drop a comment below. I personally read and respond to everyone.

Thank you!

Paul CHEK Institute Review: Experience of a CHEK Practitioner
Paul CHEK Institute Training Practitioner Review

The CHEK Institute is the best functional fitness & holistic health training programs personalizing medicine. I'm a Chek Practitioner & my detailed review will help you choose.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: CHEK Institute

Course Provider URL: https://chekinstitute.com/

Editor's Rating:


  • Holistic & functional health wisdom
  • Breadth and depth of training courses
  • Powerful training materials
  • 60,000+ alumni globally
  • Well-respected credentials
  • CHEK database of local professionals
  • Thorough skill assessments
  • Programs designed based on personalized & precision medicine


  • Expensive
  • Slow support
  • Some old courses
  • Annual continuing education credits required
  • Limited online availability

Post Tags: Education, Fitness, Functional & Holistic Health, Health, Lifestyle, Resources, Review

Medical Disclaimer

Nick is not a doctor. This site provides research, observation, and opinion. Any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Nothing on it is to be construed as medical advice or as substitute for medical advice.

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This post may contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission if you make a purchase to support my work at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!

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