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Biohacker Review of SOLshine PhotoVites & BioBulb: Ultimate Full-Spectrum SAD Lamp?

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SOLshine Products Review
SOLshine Products Review

Mal-Illumination currently plagues the world and directly detracts from human health and longevity.

Red light therapy is overrated and full-spectrum light therapy is underrated.

Although I’m a proponent of near infrared and red light therapy and personally use it daily, for overall health, full-spectrum light exposure matters more.

Some people even call this broader window of therapeutic light “Nutritional Light Therapy”.

In this post, you’re going to learn how you can get full-spectrum light therapy in your home, workspace, and more with SOLshine SAD lamps.

Light is a Nutrient

Light Type 💡Light Quality 🎯Health Impact ❤️Electrosmog 🌫️Energy Efficiency ⚡Best For ✅
Full-Spectrum Light Balanced, mimics natural sunlightCircadian rhythm, mood & energy supportLow EMFVery high efficiencyBiohackers, office work, seasonal depression, improving sleep-wake cycles
Standard LEDMissing key natural wavelengths, high in blueEye strain, CNS dysregulation, sleep disruptionLow to moderate EMFVery high efficiencyGeneral home lighting
IncandescentEven, broad spectrumMinimal but beneficialNo EMFInefficientCozy ambiance, soft lighting
FluorescentHarsh, cool blue-rich lightVery unhealthy for eyes, nervous system, and energyX-ray radiation (low-level), RF radiationModerateNone
Fullspectrum light quality, benefits, and uses compared to other forms

The health and wellness world generally only considers nutrients to come from diet.

Yet your environment profoundly impacts your physiology and psychology (your “electromagnetobiochemistry”).

The late Dr. John Ott put it this way,

“We have finally learned that light is a nutrient much like food, and like food, the wrong kind can make us ill and the right kind helps keep us well.”


As Dr. Andrew Huberman constantly recommends podcast listeners, your eyes are the only external part of the brain.

Much of your blood flows through your eyes, specifically through the ophthalmic artery where it absorbs light Share on X

Light’s one of the easiest and most profound ways to stimulate the brain. Aiding your:

  • Circadian rhythms
  • Energy levels
  • Hormones
  • Appetite (through POMC)
  • Brain chemistry
  • Cognition & mood
  • Metabolism & digestion
  • Immunity
  • Longevity & aging
  • Stress
  • Libido & sexual health
  • Weight management
  • Vision health

But, unfortunately, not all light is equal.

What is SOLshine?

SOLshine is a team comprised of light advocates that worked alongside one of the original proponents of light therapy, Dr. John Ott.

They’ve harnessed his work to bring full-spectrum light therapy into the modern, indoor, desk work era we’re mostly a part of. Helping unlock the keys to healthy lighting anywhere.

Unlike many cheap SAD lamps you’ll find on Amazon and other marketplaces, this team is passionate about TRUE full-spectrum lighting. As well as educating on the benefits of light.

When I met with them, it became apparent that they spend the extra money on choosing the highest quality LEDs. More on that later.

If you want to learn more about light, check out this fantastic presentation made by their team.

SOLshine lights vs traditional SAD lamps

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition caused by insufficient light that affects a large portion of the global population. Special bright lamps (SAD lamps) were designed to combat this.

Specifically, lamps with a brightness rated at over 10,000 LUX.

Many of them claim to be “full-spectrum” lights. Full spectrum means that it emits the full range of visible light (sometimes including some UV and infrared).

Brian Richards of SaunaSpace and several other light experts on my podcast agree that red and particularly infrared light are deficient in modern light exposure.

In fact, they mention that…

The most important way to counter modern junk artificial light and avoid retinal damage is to include a source of near infrared and red light [R, R].

Optimal Sauna Protocol, Healthy Light, & Myriad Benefits | Brian Richards @saunaspace
Check the full episode with Brian Richards and learn more on healthy & junk light

One of the most famous light experts also says the following,

“LED light exposure that is not balanced with full (spectrum) sunlight loaded with the red parts of the spectrum is always damaging to your biology.” —Alexander Wunsch, MD, PhD

Plus, many SAD lamps have issues with LED flicker, and although they look like just normal white lights, unnatural color output. More on this next.

What to Look for When Buying Full-Spectrum Lighting (& What Makes SOLshine Unique)

SOLshine PhotoVites and Mitolux Better Than Sunshine side by side
SOLshine PhotoVites (left) & Mitolux Better Than Sunshine (right) sizes compared

Although they look white, most LED lighting emits too much blue light. Fluorescent lighting is far worse and should be avoided entirely.

Stick to either incandescents, halogens, or high-quality LEDs.

Here, we’re discussing LEDs—which can be great when designed appropriately. When considering LED sources, you primarily care about:

  • CRI
  • Flicker

Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a 0-100 scale that refers to how naturally a light source reproduces colors. It’s an average of the different color values, and the higher the better.

Many LED light brands use statistical sleight of hand to cover up lacking ability to output key spectrums of light (R9-R15).

Pro Tip: Always look for the CRI breakdown and check the R9-R15 CRI to make sure it’s high.

You also want a light that has virtually zero flicker. The lower the better. Your eyes do not receive this rapid flicker, but your nervous system does.

If it’s a light designed for daytime use, trace ultra violet (UV) light emission is also healthy and more closely mimics naturally sunlight exposure.

Sadly, very few lights on the market deliver all these.

Biohacker Testing of the SOLshine PhotoVites Lamp & bioBulb (My Review)

solshine photovites emf tested
Both SOLshine lights emit low levels of “electrosmog” non-native EMF

I’ve been a light nerd for years. Since quality LEDs are so hard to find, I’ve relied mostly on halogens and incandescents.

I offset some of the electronic blue-light emitting screens with a SaunaSpace-style near infrared bulb.

I looked in SOLshine and was thrilled when they offered to send some products to test for myself. They sell two different models, with several add-on options for one.

The (not very accurate) LUX meter on my phone showed disappointingly low light output.

Since I don’t personally own $10,000 worth of light testing equipment, I consulted unbiased third-party reviewers to ensure that the lights actually perform as expected.

This biohacker confirmed that both lights output 10,000+ LUX at 2 feet and are flicker free!

Each has distinct pros and cons, and I actually use both every day, passively while I work.

PhotoVites Lamp Review

SOLshine PhotoVites turned on FSL mode
SOLshine’s PhotoVites lets you change to Full-Spectrum or Near Infrared mode with a click of a buttom

Very bright & effective SAD lamp

True full-spectrum wavelength

Contains trace UV

Good build quality

Uses world’s-best SunLike diodes

100% flicker free

Visible or infrared only options


Fairly loud

Physically small panel

Proprietary charge cord

This was the first product I unboxed. It’s a lot smaller than other light panels I own, and I didn’t know what to think of that at first.

The build quality feels high (I can’t stand lamps that use plastic chassis).

My favorite part of the PhotoVites lamp is that the design adds a Mode button that lets you toggle between full-spectrum light or broad spectrum near infrared (which doesn’t include trace UV)

In Full-Spectrum Light mode, the light appears white, and it’s certainly bright. Since infrared light is mostly invisible to the naked eye, only a few LEDs in their Near Infrared mode appear illuminated.

It uses a proprietary cord, which I don’t love. I put mine right underneath my computer monitor which works great for two main reasons:

  • They recommend tilting it at a 45 degree angle
  • I can look at my computer monitor instead of the lamp

The built-in fan keeps the device cool and running smoothly. A sound meter clocked my PhotoVites in at a fairly quiet 49 dB.

An independent third-party university also ran a small study on the benefits of the PhotoVites specifically and found that it improved [R]:

  • Self-reported mood
  • Vigor
  • Stress
  • Sleep quality
  • Symptoms of burnout & anger

For most people, this is the more useful of their two products since it has both modes and puts out more light at two feet away.

Get PhotoVites

Use SOLShine discount code URBAN to save 10%

BioBulb Review

The SOLshine bioBulb attached to their Telescope product
While PhotoVites is great for shorter sessions, the bioBulb is designed to provide nutritional lighting throughout the day

Portable & travel-friendly

Very bright & effective SAD lamp

True full-spectrum wavelengths

Uses world’s-best SunLike diodes

Contains trace UV

Brighter than the lamp @ 1′ (not @ 2′ though)

Almost silent

100% flicker free

Easy to install into existing light fixtures

One mode (no NIR)


Less light dispersion

More fragile than PhotoVites

Clamp fixture isn’t well built

The SOLshine bioBulb either comes with an adjustable telescoping gooseneck or a simple clamp.

My first impressions were that it looks like an ordinary high-powered non-dimmable LED bulb. When I flipped it on, however, the light is different.

It seems to form a more concentrated light beam that appears more like the afternoon sun

Immediately, I noticed that it only has one mode (which I later discovered is Full Spectrum Light). Making it a good choice for daytime lighting, but unusable at night.

Though, it’s not quite as powerful as the desktop PhotoVites Lamp it makes up with awesome portability and ease of use. You can bring these traveling (I plan to), or install them into existing light fixtures.

As with most bulbs and LEDs, it doesn’t feel quite as hardy as the panel, so handle it carefully.

If you travel often, are on a budget, or just want the simplest way to integrate light nutrition into your routine, this is your LED.

Get bioBulb

Use SOLShine discount code URBAN to save 10%

How to Use These Lights

SOLshine PhotoVites & bioBulb unboxed
The SOLshine telescope is another product the bioBulb can be attached to

Both PhotoVites & the bioBulb are straightforward and easy to use.

Simply flip on the light!

But there’s a little helpful nuance.

Use Full-Spectrum Light (FSL) mode immediately upon waking to optimally entrain your circadian rhythm.

For both devices, put them at an angle and do not stare directly into the LEDs.

FSL is energizing to the body—akin to an espresso but without the same depletion or long half-life.

The larger the contrast between your (high) morning light exposure and (low) evening light exposure, the better you’ll sleep

If you have the panel, follow your FSL session with a NIR session. Near infrared further restores the body and more closely mimics natural sunlight.

After sun down, avoid FSL mode and instead use NIR to boost sleep and intracellular melatonin.

If you only have the bioBulb, turn it off after sunset and consider getting a supplementary near infrared bulb.

Full-Spectrum Light Questions & Answers

Is full-spectrum light the same as sunlight?

No it is not the same but it is the closest possible. Sunlight is the most full-spectrum of all light sources. Including everything from UV up through infrared. The proportion of each wavelength naturally varies throughout the day.

Manmade “full-spectrum” lights, however, have a slightly narrower wavelength spectrum and are static (they do not change throughout the day). Full spectrum lights tend to have less UVA and/or UVB which makes them safer for prolonged use. Quality varies dramatically.

Are SOLshine lights safe for my pets?

Yes, you can safely use SOLshine lights for your pets and plants too. In fact, all forms of life thrive when regularly exposed to full-spectrum light as it more closely mimics natural sunlight. Owners of birds, geckos, and even fish often report that their pets’ health improves from including these lights.

The full spectrum of wavelengths make it more supportive to plant photosynthesis too.

Who should not use SAD lamps?

Consult your doctor or eye specialist before using a SAD lamp or powerful light if:

1. You have eye problems like glaucoma, cataracts or eye damage from diabetes 2. You take photosensitizing medication (makes you sensitive to light)
3. You have Bipolar Disorder, as light can trigger manic episodes
4. You have a skin condition worsened by UV or other light exposure

Is it okay to use full-spectrum lamps at night?

No. Bright full-spectrum light contains some blue and trace UV which increase energy and shift circadian rhythm. Use FSL upon waking up to help your circadian rhythm and switch to red and/or near infrared in the evenings instead to promote sleep.

SOLshine Full Spectrum Lighting Review: Final Verdict

The latest modern science confirms what Ayurveda and ancient medicines wrote 5,000+ years ago—human health depends on light exposure.

The best red light devices give the best benefits but while red light therapy certainly has its place, we’re still mostly overlooking the power of therapeutic full-spectrum light.

Lighting industry innovations usually come with major drawbacks. Fluorescent lights, for example, trash human biology. LEDs save electricity, but suffer from other issues:

  • Subperceptable flicker
  • Missing protective wavelengths of light
  • Unnaturally high in damaging light wavelengths

I’ve come across several companies solving this issue, and few do as good a job as SOLshine. They offer two products:

  • The bioBulb full spectrum LED bulb
  • The PhotoVites mini full-spectrum SAD Lamp

If you spend a lot of time on computers, behind a desk, or indoors, consider either of these. Both have a large upfront cost, yet the LEDs are rated to last 30,000 hours. At eight hours per day, that’s about ten years of life.

At the very least, get yourself a broad spectrum infrared light to offset the damage caused by modern light exposure Share on X

But if they’re within your budget, I think you’ll enjoy either the bulb, the lamp, or both.

If you enjoyed this article, please send it to a friend or share it on social media. That’s how I know what to research for you.

And if you have experience with SOLshine, drop a comment below and let us know. I love hearing from you.


SOLshine PhotoVites
SOLshine Products Review

Get the benefits of both full-spectrum light and infrared light in a compact and easy to use panel. While other "full-spectrum" lamps use the visible spectrum only, SOLshine PhotoVites utilizes all plus the essential near infrared light and even trace UV.

Editor's Rating:


  • Bright & effective SAD lamp
  • Uses the full-spectrum wavelength
  • Contains trace UV
  • No flicker
  • Easy to toggle to visible or infrared only modes


  • Pricey
  • Can be loud
  • Can be visually uncomfortable to use
SOLshine bioBulb
SOLshine Products Review

The SOLshine bioBulb is your travel-friendly option for a full-spectrum light fix. It comes with a free clip-on holder and can easily be attached to other fixtures so you can enjoy the benefits of full-spectrum light almost the whole day.

Editor's Rating:


  • Bright & effective
  • Portable
  • Silent
  • Easy to install in existing light fixtures


  • Pricey
  • Only one mode
  • Less light dispersion

Post Tags: Biohacking, Gear, Home, Lifestyle, Light, Nutrition, Review

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