Movement & Fitness

Ultimate Guide to Sprinting: 20 Benefits, Workouts, & Tips

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16 Mins.

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Sprint Benefits Workouts Tips
Sprint Benefits Workouts Tips

Sprinting is one of the best exercises to get strong, lean, athletic, and burn body fat.

As well as to look and feel great.

It takes no time, can be done virtually anywhere, and has across-the-board quality-of-life benefits.

Yet most runners don’t sprint, yogis don’t sprint, and neither do lifters.

They’re missing out on perhaps the world’s single greatest exercise.

Sprinting is one of the highest R.O.I. exercises on Earth, yet few people do it Share on X

While seemingly simple and straightforward, you’ll want to know a few things before adding sprinting to your workout routine.

I’ve regularly sprinted for the last two decades, so in this guide, I will share everything I’ve learned along the way. Painful mistakes, useful shortcuts, key safety tips, and more. We’ll explore the science of sprinting, the myriad health benefits, useful tweaks, and how to start safely sprinting today.

What is Sprinting

Sprinting generally refers to running at max speed, and max power, for a very short distance and time. Approaching 100% effort, and lasting just 10-25 seconds. To maintain performance, each bout is followed by 2-4 minutes of rest. Unlike most exercises sprinting confers strength/anaerobic gains while simultaneously improving cardiovascular fitness.

Much of its popularity has stemmed from the Olympics, the nothing but shoes required convenience, minimal weekly time commitment, and rapid body transformation results.

While most people use sprinting and running synonymously, some of the best forms of sprinting do not involve running around a track. Other types of sprinting have a lower impact on the body, are safer, and some even yield greater results.

We will cover how to sprint and the other variations after first discussing what it can do for your health and performance.

Health & Performance Benefits of Sprinting

Benefits of sprinting

It’s no secret that sprinting is one of the most beneficial and time-efficient forms of exercise.

You get the general health benefits of traditional cardiovascular exercise, but also burn visceral fat and build power and strength. You get the feel-good mental and emotional buzz too.

To summarize the health and performance benefits, sprinting improves:

  • Fat burning
  • Aerobic capacity
  • Endurance
  • Running pace
  • Muscle building
  • Metabolism
  • Heart health
  • Protein synthesis
  • Hormonal balance
  • Mindset
  • Longevity

Many of the other effects are harder to quantify.

Now, I will break down some of the many benefits of high-intensity sprinting.

General athletic performance

Sprinting improves general athletic performance. Making you a better sprinter, but also a better athlete across most sports.

This form of exercise uniquely benefits most biomotor abilities required for sports: speed, explosive power, aerobic capacity, and endurance. It translates into just about all activities. Sprinting is also easy to incorporate into training programs and accessible virtually anywhere, at any time.

Making it a great way to stay in peak shape.

Explosive power

Sprinting increases your Type II fast-twitch muscle fibers, the ones responsible for generating speed, power, and explosiveness.

Exercisers performing intense bursts of power must recruit more Type II fibers to meet the energetic (metabolic) demands of the body. With proper rest and recovery afterward, Type II muscle fibers increase to help you excel in future situations.

Indeed, next time you’ll be able to better perform the same activity. And, the new adaptations apply to other abilities too. You’ll run faster, bike faster, jump higher, and improve your gym strength.

Aerobic capacity & endurance

The traditional approach to increasing aerobic capacity and endurance is to do more of the chosen activity. Bikers, bike. Runners, run. Swimmers swim. But as it turns out, sprinting is great for endurance capacity.

You’ll see many of the top endurance coaches doing two seemingly strange things. First, they rarely let long-distance athletes train the full event. Second, they often add a form of high-intensity training (like sprinting or HIIT) into their athletes’ routines.

Sprinting makes us more efficient at using oxygen. Better oxygen utilization also leads to greater training results and higher event performance. One particular 2018 study of advanced trail runners found that sprinting improved multiple parameters of performance, including 3,000-meter run, time to exhaustion, and power output.

Other research shows that sprinting, often called sprint interval training (SIT), increases max oxygen consumption ability (VO2 max) better than endurance training.


Intuitively, sprinting increases your running speed. Especially your max speed. In fact, sprint interval training is one of the top ways to become a faster runner.

Sprints are comprised of three stages: acceleration (<30m), maximum speed (30-60m), and speed endurance (60-300m).

Practice teaches you optimal cadence and how to alter your stride to match your desired speed. Overall it’s effective to improve speed.

Lose weight & burn fat

When people think about exercise for fat loss, it’s generally steady-state chronic cardio like jogging. But there’s actually a much better way. A way that’s both supported by research and also visually. Sprinters actually have lower body fat than runners of other distances. You can compare a career marathoner with a sprinter and most people would choose the sprinter’s body immediately.

Sprinting is also excellent for weight loss. On top of the obvious fat loss during exercise (you’ll burn several hundred calories), sprinting dramatically increases your metabolism for many hours afterward. Meaning you passively burn more calories regardless of what you’re doing throughout the day.

Plus, sprinting optimizes your hormones, creating the perfect conditions for muscle-building and fat burning.

A 2018 study confirmed this, dethroning HIIT training as the ultimate fat-burning exercise modality. Even when weight doesn’t change, participants do lose the most unhealthy kind of fat (visceral).

Jogging and running don’t do these.

If you’re looking to burn body fat, especially the most unhealthy kind, sprinting is an essential tool.

Muscle growth & strength

Sprinting is an excellent way to build full-body muscle and strength.

When you sprint, your muscles contract forcefully and repeatedly. Stimulating the neuromuscular system, which helps improve muscle fiber recruitment and synchronization. As a result, the muscles become more efficient at generating force.

This translates to greater strength and power. Particularly in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Done properly, sprints also build a strong core.

Fatiguing these large muscle groups is key to general strength.

Secondly, unlike moderate-intensity chronic cardio, sprinting also stimulates the release of anabolic growth hormones. Including human growth hormone and testosterone. Sprinting increases mTOR signaling for several hours after training. Growth hormone stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which directly grows muscle tissue (hypertrophy). Testosterone is also essential for muscle growth, as it promotes protein synthesis and helps regulate muscle mass. All promote strength, fat loss, and recovery.

Post high-intensity exercise session, hormone levels improve. As a result, sprinting can help you build muscle and strength while also improving your overall fitness and athleticism.

Optimizes anabolic growth hormones

On the same page as the last benefit, sprint therapy improves hormonal balance. Most of us live in a predominantly stress-hormone (cortisol and epinephrine) dominant state.

While sprinting further heightens our total allostatic load (our “bucket of stress”), it’s transient. This is the way humans historically experienced stress. Quick bursts followed by abundant rest and recovery.

As mentioned previously, the right amount of sprinting improves:

  • Human growth hormone & IGF-1
  • Insulin sensitivity
  • AMPK & mTOR pathway signaling
  • Testosterone

Basically, it optimizes the entire endocrine system. But here’s the thing…

Running does not.

Running lacks the energetic output and intensity required for a powerful anabolic growth response.

In fact, in 2021 RunRepeat performed a meta-analysis of 70+ studies on sprinting compared to other forms of training and found that sprinting (emphasis mine):

  • “[Sprinting] resulted in a 91.83% higher reduction in body fat percentage than [running]”
  • “Workouts for [sprinting] were 60.12% shorter than [running] workouts.”

A large part of this is due to the (comparatively) reduced stress and improved hormonal response post-exercise.


Immediately, sprinting places a massive stress burden on the body. It’s so physically and mentally taxing, that athletes learn to adapt. To master the dramatic and sudden drain that accompanies all-out efforts.

So when another massive stressor hits them, they parry it with ease. They effectively biohack stress. Whether athletically, occupationally, relationally, or otherwise. All stressors electromagnetobiochemically affect humans similarly.

Sprinting is one of the key ways to build human resiliency.

The better you get at recovering post-sprint sessions, the better you handle all of life’s many stressors.

This is a secret to long-term max human performance. All great leaders possess this ability (though I’m not sure they’re equally adept sprinters).

Sprinting turns you into an anti-fragile, resilient, equanimous human.

Mental health & mood

Since 2020, mental health has become an increasingly hot topic. One of the core reasons non-athletes cite exercising is for the profound mental health benefits.

Providing symptom relief that rivals the most powerful medications available. Yet instead of side effects, with exercise, you enjoy side benefits. A lot of them too.

First and foremost, sprinting requires you to leave the house. Exposing you to natural sunlight, fresh air, social interaction, and all kinds of other beneficial factors.

Sprinting itself boosts circulation (the “pump”) and delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Improving how well your brain functions overall. Like running, sprinting also elevates levels of feel-good endorphins in the brain. Radically uplifting mood and inducing feelings of contentedness. Leading to the “runner’s high”.

It also calms the brain and body after the session as the stress hormones plummet back down. You emerge feeling accomplished. Unstoppable. The psychological benefits are enormous.


One of the lesser-discussed benefits of sprinting is its ability to improve cognition and brainpower. Surprisingly, there hasn’t been as much research as I’d like on the subject. That said, however, we know it does so via several mechanisms.

First, sprinting increases blood flow to the brain. During exercise, blood flow to the brain increases, which delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells. This alone enhances brain function and improves cognitive performance.

It also increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), sometimes dubbed “Miracle-Gro for the brain”. BDNF is a protein that supports the growth and survival of neurons. It plays a critical role in learning, memory, and cognitive function. Ample animal and human research show that sprinting increases the production of BDNF, boosting cognitive abilities and also protecting the brain from age-related decline.

During the activity, sprinting engages the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body’s “fight, flight, or freeze” response. This releases stress hormones, which increase alertness and attention. These benefits persist for hours after the activity ends.

Finally, the brain works best when protected against damage. Stress is a low-level chronic insult. Sprinting helps by dramatically spiking stress, which activates the body’s built-in defense measures. Then reducing stress and anxiety over the long term. As mentioned previously, sprinting is excellent at boosting resiliency, elevating mood, and offsetting stress.

Sprinting is excellent to maintain cognitive sharpness and resiliency against future disease.

Metabolic health

Glucose control is one of the three primary goals of diet. The others are to minimize intake of toxic and rancid compounds (like inflammatory industrial seed oils) and to consume adequate nutrients to optimize all bodily processes.

Most of us unknowingly struggle with all three. As any users of modern technology like continuous glucose monitors will attest, controlling blood sugar is more difficult than expected. This is largely because our cells have lost sensitivity to insulin. Insulin allows glucose to enter cells where it can be used. With less sensitivity, sugar accumulates in the bloodstream.

This process is called insulin resistance, and it’s highly correlated with most degenerative diseases. It’s also one of the hallmarks of metabolic disorders. As well as inversely correlated with quality of life. All else equal, the less sensitive to insulin, the worse your life.

Luckily, sprinting is well-researched to improve metabolic health.

When you sprint, you burn the glucose naturally stored within muscle. After sprinting, when you consume a food that would otherwise cause issues with blood sugar and insulin, instead it fills up muscle stores. Sprinting improves insulin sensitivity.

This also means athletes better use it for workout fuel.

For a high-performing bioharmonized metabolism, you need some high-intensity movement like sprinting.

Heart health

The New Science of Cardiovascular Health & Performance | Dr. Stephen Hussey

Cardiovascular health is one of the other primary rationales for exercising. To avoid heart disease and other complications.

That’s the basis of “aerobic” training and “doing cardio”.

We’ve all learned that running promotes peak cardiovascular health. But does it really? The above cardiologist I interviewed thinks otherwise. His research and patient experience led him to believe that traditional cardio puts too much stress on the heart and sets the stage for later damage. Instead, he prefers brief high-intensity exercise.

I too, believe medium-intensity running is risky and should only comprise a small part of any training program.

Sprinting can improve many parameters of heart health:

  • Improves heart rate variability (HRV)
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Lowers resting heart rate (RHR)
  • Strengthens the heart muscle (without imbalances)
  • Improves cholesterol panels (increases HDL, decreases LDL & triglyceride)
  • Increases restorative deep sleep

Instead of running, I prefer the easier Super Walking and KAATSU blood flow restriction training to get all the cardiovascular benefits without the downsides.

Longevity & anti-aging

Scientists are hard at work, studying the latest designer molecules hoped to reverse the biological aging process. Yet there’s a more important anti-aging hack right in front of us all… sprints.

The longevity crowd often forgets that frailty is the number one detractor from healthspan and quality of life as we age.

Sprinting’s pleiotropic effects are unparalleled:

  • Improved metabolism
  • Increased fast-twitch muscle fibers
  • Reduced frailty and sarcopenia
  • Naturally improves hormones
  • Improved longevity pathways

Just one single sprint can improve favorably improve AMP/ATP ratio by as much as 21X.

Unlike new supplements and drugs, sprinting doesn’t have obscure off-target effects that damage the body in ways currently unknown for future decades. It also optimizes growth hormone, affectionately referred to as “the hormonal fountain of youth”. And unlike exogenous injections, naturally produced GH and anabolic IGF-1 have little risk.

Rather, sprinting is an ability hardwired into our genome. My own biological age testing showed a large improvement when I reintroduced sprinting into my regimen.

Time saver

Exercise can consume a ton of time. I used to spend around two hours every day in the gym. But it doesn’t have to.

You can get 80% of the results of an intensive training program with just sprints, rucking/ walking, and occasional KAATSU.

The very nature of sprinting limits the maximum possible session duration. You simply won’t have the energy for a two hour sprint workout. And each individual effort will be under 30 seconds (or it’s not really a sprint).

Most people overdo sprinting.

You only need 2-8 sets of <30 second sprints to progress. That’ll save you tons of time compared to traditional programs.


Some forms of exercise are more fun than others. Some feel like monotonous chores.

For example, I quickly lose interest in treadmills. You’ll never catch me completing an hour-long treadmill workout.

Sprinting is dynamic.

You must warm up. You alter your workout based on how you feel (this is KEY). You cool down. You can sprint up hills, on a bike, on a rowing machine, and you can sprint backward (with practice). The weather impacts your training too. You’re constantly switching up the routine.

It’s quite difficult but fun and exciting. I look forward to my sprinting sessions.


Sprinting improves sleep quality and quantity in many ways.

First, the explosive bursts of energy and effort release endorphins, which are natural painkillers that quiet the mind. They also promote calmness, relaxation, and decreased levels of stress. Even hours later, helping lessen insomnia and racing thoughts.

Sprinting also helps regulate the circadian rhythm, which is the body’s internal clock system that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Especially when done outdoors in the natural morning light, sprinting can strengthen the circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning.

Additionally, sprinting improves the production of hormones involved in sleep regulation, leading to higher sleep quality.

Of course, you’re also doing something difficult and expending a massive amount of energy, which causes the body to respond with increased deep sleep and faster sleep onset.

Posture and back health

Many forms of exercise compress the spine and can cause injuries for unprepared exercisers. This can include running and improper resistance training.

Done right, sprinting with good form can improve gait, posture, and back strength. Sprinting requires a significant amount of core stability, which is essential for maintaining good posture and reducing back pain. Sprinting involves the rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the lower back and hips, so it strengthens these muscles that support the spine. This movement also reduces the risk of back injury.

Furthermore, sprinting can also help to increase the flexibility and mobility of the spine. Sprinting involves a rapid extension and flexion of the back muscles, which can help to loosen up tight muscles and improve the range of motion in the spine.

It should also be combined with active release techniques for the best results.

By improving musculature in the back and core, proper sprinting can improve gait, posture, and some pains.

Bone health

When it comes to strong bones, most people think of milk and calcium. But here’s the thing… neither of those builds significant bone density. At least, not compared to weight-bearing exercises.

Weight lifting has long been considered the king of bone-building exercises. Running, on the other hand, can exacerbate osteoporosis and weaken bones. Luckily, sprinting impacts bone similarly to weight lifting.

Several studies show that sprinting improves bone density and that runners that also sprint have denser bones than those that don’t.

This logically follows if we consider the biomechanics of sprinting.

The harder we strike the ground, the more force, the more strength (density) our bones need to resist the force. The key difference between sprinting and running, however, lies in the hormonal environment post-workout.

Anabolic hormones increased by sprinting (growth hormones, IGF-1, testosterone, etc) contribute to bone density. Catabolic hormones increased by running destroy the bone.

Mitochondrial biogenesis

Mitochondrial optimization is one of the frontiers of future healthcare. You simply cannot stay healthy long-term with sub-optimal mitochondria. Mitochondria are the little energy factories housed within cells.

One of their jobs is to convert inputs (food, water, light, oxygen) into cellular energy. Unfortunately, they also generate waste in the process. When they’re not functioning optimally, however, they don’t produce enough energy and the body must choose which processes to slow down. These biochemical processes are a delicate orchestra. You can’t afford for any to slow.

You have two options to generate more cellular energy:

  • Increase the efficiency of mitochondria
  • Increase the number of mitochondria

Sprinting improves both. In the right doses, sprinting promotes the recycling of mitochondrial parts via a process called mitophagy. Making mitochondria more efficient. It also increases mitochondrial biogenesis, the process of creating new mitochondria.

The literature is clear, sprinting is great for mitochondrial health & function.


Sprinting, when not sick, can improve immune system function in a number of ways.

The main two are increasing levels of two key parts of the immune system: white blood cells and T-cells. It also helps the body mount an appropriate inflammatory response.

Sprinting increases the production of immune cells and antibodies. Since it triggers the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, it stimulates the production of white blood cells.

Remember, chronic stress suppresses the immune system, but acute stress boosts it. Aiding the fight against infections and diseases.

During a sprinting session, your heart rate and blood flow increase. Delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues of the body. This increased circulation helps to flush out toxins and waste products, improving overall immune function.

Sprinting has one other key immunity benefit.

It stimulates the lymphatic system, helping remove waste and toxins from the body. Better debris clearance further supports optimal immune function.

How to Sprint Safely

How to sprint Safely

The paradox of sprinting is that it’s both incredibly simple and intuitive, and incredibly dangerous when done wrong. Sprinting can seriously injure you, especially if you’re currently inactive or overweight.

Rather, you should work up to sprints. In fact, I recommend beginning with an atypical non-running form. Running sprints require tremendous explosiveness and cause significant impact trauma.

You can “sprint” in no-impact and low-impact activities like biking, rowing, swimming, battle ropes, and other intense movements conducive to all-out efforts. Though running sprints do have their own distinct advantages.

So instead, I recommend working up to it. To sprint safely, first:

  • Make the mental shift that you can sprint
  • Move more and incorporate micro-workouts into your day
  • Start incredibly easy and slow
  • Gently progress with experience

The actual start-to-finish process is fairly simple.

#1 Get a partner

Despite the incredibly short sessions, sprinting is tough work.

This partner will keep you accountable to show up when you just don’t feel like it.

Having people around you, preferably joining you, will certainly challenge you more. Which, in turn, helps you get the most out of your sessions.

Additionally, they make quantifying your progress far easier. Your partner can start and stop the timer so that you focus on the actual effort. Plus, they’ll be more accurate.

#2 Warm-up

With all workouts, but especially sprinting, warming up is essential. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce your likelihood of injury.

We want to avoid static (stationary) stretching. Instead, a dynamic warmup works best. 4-5 minutes is plenty.

You can do dynamic movements like high knees, butt kickers, twisting lunges, jogging, backpedaling, side shuffling, very light strides, etc. Begin gradually and pick up the pace throughout the warm-up.

Optionally, you can do cold immersion in an ice bath first. Pre-cooling can dramatically improve performance. This is unnecessary for beginners though.

#3 Find your ideal environment

Now that you’re warmed up, you’ll want to find a place suitable for sprinting.

Grass fields are ideal. Astroturf is good too. Cement makes each stride more traumatic. For those not conditioned to it, this is how sprinting can cause microfracture. Avoid cement, asphalt, and concrete if possible.

The track at your nearest high school or college is generally the next best thing.

As described later, if you must sprint on pavement, look for a spot with a gradual incline. This reduces the impact.

#4 Working sets

After warming up but before the real sprinting, you’ll want to do a few wind sprints to gauge your body’s status.

These are sprints where you barely hit max speed (for just 1-2 seconds) before immediately slowing down again. If you feel good, continue on.

For the actual exercise, you’ll want to do the following:

  • 2-8 sets of sprinting
  • 10-20 seconds for each sprint
  • 3 minutes rest between sets to fully restore ATP and creatine phosphate
  • Optional: 4-5 strides per second
  • Quit early

Exceeding 8 sets is not better. For each, exceeding 20 seconds of effort exponentially increases cellular destruction and taxes your ability to recover.

The luxurious rest period is also important to get the most benefit.

As soon as you “hit a wall” or your set time becomes significantly slower, stop. You’re done for the day. If you keep going you’re just risking injury.

#5 Cool down

After your session, spend some time cooling down and transitioning back into your day. I like a 5-10 minute cool down period.

Jog. Walk. Stretch. KAATSU.

If you have a heart rate monitor, follow Dr. Maffetone’s formula and keep your heart rate under “180 beats per minute – your age” when cooling down.

So if you’re 45, you’d stay under 135 BPM.

Cooling down improves your results AND helps you avoid debilitating soreness.

Sprinting Workouts

Exactly how sprinting fits into your workout routine depends on what else you’re doing and your level of conditioning.

No matter your program, for long-term success and to minimize injury risk, you’ll want to do a few things:

  • Progress slowly. When you’re new to sprinting or haven’t done it recently, stay below 85% of your max effort for the first two weeks. Gradually add intensity, duration, and sets.
  • Start easy. Begin with low-impact sprinting efforts. This lets your body adapt to the new demands placed on it.
  • Train fresh. Sprinting is neurologically taxing. Stay safe by only training when you feel great. If you must sprint while fatigued, reduce the total number of sets but keep the intensity high.

You’ll also want to vary your routine over time.

After fully warming up, here are my favorite simple options.

Sprinting to boost anabolic hormones

Increasing testosterone, growth hormone, and other anabolic hormones doesn’t take much.

Week One:

  • 3 sets of 10-second sprints

Week Two:

  • 4 sets of a 10-second sprint

Week Three:

  • 5 sets of 8-second sprints

Week Four:

  • 5-6 sets of 6-second sprints

Sprinting for athletic performance

Athletes need higher volume to match the demands of the sport. The volume would change whether you’re in or out of the sport. As would the duration. This is a solid program for general athleticism.

Week One:

  • 5 sets of 18-second sprints

Week Two:

  • 6 sets of a 20-second sprint

Week Three:

  • 7 sets of 18-second sprints

Week Four:

  • 8 sets of 15-second sprints

Sprinting for mood & mental health

Like for athletes, the full mental health benefits take more work than simple hormone optimization.

Week One:

  • 4 sets of 12-second sprints

Week Two:

  • 6 sets of a 10-second sprint

Week Three:

  • 6 sets of 10-second sprints

Week Four:

  • 7 sets of 8-second sprints

Other Atypical But Powerful Sprint Workout Options

LowImpact sprinting Alternatives

Traditional sprinting is an incredibly effective tool, but it has limitations and takes a large toll on the body. Plus, it’s inaccessible to those with prior injuries, pain, and other issues.

At its core, sprinting is just an effective full-body exercise that requires tremendous energy and resources. It’s metabolic conditioning.

Some of the best lower-impact sprinting alternatives include:

  • Hill sprints
  • Resisted sprints
  • Sled push and pull
  • Curved treadmill sprints
  • Airdyne/Assault bike sprints
  • CAR.OL AI bike sprints
  • Real bike sprints
  • Swimming sprints
  • Battle ropes
  • Tire flips
  • Jump rope

Of course, you must perform these movements aggressively to even approximate the intensity of sprinting.

I’m particularly fond of hill sprints because they replicate many of the benefits of normal sprinting with far less impact on the body.

Hill sprints also improve running technique as your foot strikes closer under your Center of Gravity. On your forefoot too (instead of heel).

Since you’re moving slower, you maintain better bodily control without sacrificing the intensity.

Whenever possible, I like to sprint (on grass) barefoot, because you get more bodily feedback regarding running form.

Top Sprinting Questions & Answers

I regularly get certain questions regarding sprinting, how to do it better, and how it compares to other forms of running.

Which is better, sprinting vs running?

Sprinting is far superior to running for everything but training for specific endurance events. Sprinting builds muscle, improves hormones, causes less bodily destruction, and consumes less time, while also building cardiovascular fitness. It also confers greater longevity benefits and counteracts sarcopenia. Sprinting is bioharmonous, while running and jogging long distances are not.

How to sprint faster?

The best way to sprint faster is to practice often and cross-train with resistance training. You should also fuel your body with ample nutrients, electrolytes, and fluids. Going barefoot can help you find weaknesses in your form, and when fixed, can dramatically speed up your sprinting.

Should I sprint daily?

No, you should not sprint daily. This form of exercise is extremely taxing and requires significant recovery. Most people perform and progress fastest when sprinting 1-3 times per week.

How to Start Sprinting Today: Beginner’s Guide

Sprinting is one of the top forms of exercise yet few do it.

It’s quick, exciting, free, accessible, and confers full-body and mind benefits.

You’ll want to start extremely slow, and only gradually progress into traditional field sprints. Most people are best served initially performing sprint alternatives to build conditioning.

Once you’re ready, you’ll want to thoroughly warm up and prepare your nervous system for the challenge. Reaping the rewards of sprinting requires far less work than most people realize.

There’s a general tendency to overdo it. For most people, all you need is:

  • 2-8 sets
  • 6-20 seconds of sprinting @80-100% max intensity
  • 3 minutes of full recovery between efforts
  • 1-3 sessions per week

After sprinting, spend a few minutes jogging, walking, stretching, or cooling down.

Since early childhood, sprinting has been a core part of my movement programming. But it’s not the only.

Other beneficial fitness protocols to consider adding to your routine include:

  • HIRT
  • Gibala Method
  • Brugomaster’s Protocol
  • Super slow strength
  • “Super walking”
  • Micro-workout trigger sessions

Enough of my experience. Do you incorporate sprinting into your training plan? Let me know your experience in the comments below!


Post Tags: Athletes, Fitness, Lifestyle, Movement, Strength & Muscle

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