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Ultimate Guide to Limitless Energy: Key Supplements, Habits, Nootropics & More

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Biohacking Energy For Peak Mind & Body Performance
Biohacking Energy For Peak Mind & Body Performance

Do you wake up feeling drained? Perhaps your Oura Ring’s sleep score shows room for improvement.

Your energy determines your quality of life…

“Energy is the currency of high performance”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can grab a coffee, but you’ll eventually need a caffeine tolerance reset. At least, to feel your morning coffee again. Regardless, caffeine energy is fleeting and always followed by a crash as your liver metabolizes it.

Stimulants borrow energy from your future self Share on X

With the right tactics, you can supercharge your energy.

Just like a power plant transforms raw materials into energy, so can you generate your own energy. Today I’m listing my favorite tips & biohacks for maximum, sustainable energy.

Energy Biohack #1: Nap

Humans follow a consistent hormonal pattern. Unfortunately for us office workers, that includes a natural energy drop in the early afternoon. Evolutionary evidence suggests that humans traditionally took quick naps then. To wake up feeling clearheaded, nap for either:

  • 20 minutes (avoids deep sleep).
  • 90 minutes (full sleep cycle).

Stick to the above two nap lengths. Sleep too much or between 30-80 minutes and you’ll awake in a haze.

Energy Biohack #2: Trace Mineral-Rich Water

Up to 75 percent of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration.

Drinking (clean) water signals to the body that you’re not in famine.

During water abundance, stress hormones normalize so that you can focus more easily.

Water infused with electrolytes rehydrates the body. Hydration impacts the strength of your immune system, the elasticity of your skin, your energy level, how easily you can move, and your body’s overall resistance to aging and disease.

Then, you should use quality trace mineral supplements to supercharge your water with the naturally-occurring substances your body needs.

If that’s not enough, water helps us transform food into cellular energy. Unconvinced? See my guide to deep hydration and you’ll understand how dehydration sets you up for failure.

Aside from these, you can also make The Outliyr Morning Hydration Drink Recipe.

Energy Biohack #3: Morning Light

Dr. Michael Brus takes an unorthodox recommendation to increase energy levels.

Instead of coffee, he advocates a quick walk outside in the morning sunlight. Even on cloudy days, natural light is a healthy way to boost your mitochondria (factories that generate energy in each of your cells).

Just like bright blue light at night impairs sleep, in the morning it’s key start to the day. After a morning sunlight walk, you might not even need coffee.

Energy Biohack #4: Cold Shower

Don’t let Wim Hof fool you. Frolicking in glacial water is no easy feat.

In my guide to taking painless cold showers I covered a more manageable approach for the rest of us. At the end of your daily shower, switch it to cold for one final minute.

You’ll step out of the shower feeling alert and ready to go thanks to a natural cocktail of norepinephrine, nitric oxide, and hormonal changes. When you oversleep, ice baths and cold showers are the fastest way to overcome waking up groggy.

Energy Biohack #5: Power Transitions

Context switching throughout the day depletes your energetic bank account.

Research suggests that each switch between activities costs a full 20-minutes of productivity. Renowned productivity expert Cal Newport suggests to batch tasks throughout the day and working in blocks dedicated to specific activities.

I reduce the transition lag with something that I call “power transitions”.

Between activities, here’s how to do it:

  • Spend 30 seconds noticing how you feel.
  • Scan your body for tense areas. Start at your toes and work up to your head.

Practice the above while slowing your breathing and consciously relaxing.

Then decide how you want to feel after accomplishing the next activity. Linger in (and enjoy) that feeling for a moment. Now, each of the day’s activities will generate more energy.

Energy Biohack #6: Sauna

Saunas are one of my favorite anti-aging tools. Yet, they have myriad other uses.

Modern saunas heat participants via a special form of invisible light called near-infrared.

You can’t see it, but it charges up your mitochondria. Healthy mitochondria produce greater amounts of energy. At the same time, sauna use also prevents mitochondria from breaking down. You can build your own NIR sauna for less than $200. Or you can get one of these top pre-made home infrared saunas.

Saunas also make you more resilient against stress. The better you handle stress, the greater energy conserved.

Athletes sauna for enhanced performance. One study of runners found that those regularly using saunas increased their max run time by 31 percent.

Energy Biohack #7: Computer Glasses & Smart Software

If morning light exposure can generate long-lasting energy, imagine the effects of a full day of junk light.

Indeed, computers output massive amounts of stress-inducing blue light. As well as flickering at a rate imperceivable to your eye (but harmful to your nervous system).

In 2017, Dr. Jack Kruse, a foremost expert on lighting, wrote a piece exploring a dizzying number of symptoms caused by junk light exposure. He observed vastly increased injury rates in professional athletes (NFL). See this video for a deep dive.

Computer glasses or special software like IrisTech (my IrisTech review explains why I won’t work without it) stop that. I consistently get more done and finish the work day on a higher level when I take steps to “bioharmonize” my technology.

Energy Biohack #8: Stretch

Have you heard of fascia? How about piezoelectricity?

Fascia’s the largest system in the body. Yet scientists only fully discovered it in 2005. It works like a hydraulic pump, transporting water and electrical signals throughout the body. When your fascia works better, so does your entire body.

Piezoelectricity explains how movement generates electricity.

The ancient practices of yoga, dancing, tai chi, qi gong, and stretching are all piezoelectric. Any movement or stretch charges up your cells. Fully charged cells help you perform better.

Energy Biohack #9: Walking

Walking may not seem like much.

Yet, it’s the most underrated physical activity. In addition to filling your brain with powerful neurochemicals, getting your 10,000 steps per day also gives you an energy boost.

Moving farther and more often is one of the most effective strategies my clients use to improve their overall health.

If you don’t need your computer, try a walking meeting. Or take a phone call outside as you stroll around the neighborhood. Bonus points for doing it in the morning sunlight.

Energy Biohack #10: Micro-Movements

If dedicating time to a long walk outdoors is too much, try a micro-workout.

Every hour or two, spend between 30-90 seconds doing a physical activity or rotating through a circuit. Some simple examples include:

  • Pushups
  • Burpees
  • Air squats
  • Jumping jacks
  • Lunges
  • Mountain climbers

Read my post for more quick micro-workout ideas.

Get your blood pumping and your subsequent work will reflect it.

Energy Biohack #11: Conscious Eating

I rarely slow down. I’ve started blocking time on my calendar for peace and quiet. Meal time included.

How many things can I do at the same time?

For best results, one.

When I focus on the meal, I eat better quality food, with considerably fewer calories, and feel better after eating. The practice is scientifically validated to improve health.

Find my top mindful eating tips here. Calories are the essential raw materials for your mitochondrial furnaces. Harness the power of thought to make each count.

Energy Biohack #12: Consistent Meal Timing

For the same reason that mid-afternoon naps work wonders, so does eating at the same time.

Dr. Satchin Panda’s work has consistently found that stable eating patterns matter. Possibly more than the content of the food itself.


Your body produces specific enzymes and increases the activity of certain pathways to accommodate your expected meal times. Digestion is a delicate symphony of many bodily processes. Eating large meals outside these windows causes sub-optimal digestion. The food sits, putrifies, and impairs sleep.

When you feed your body on a regular schedule, it rewards you with greater energy levels.

Energy Biohack #13: Intermittent Fasting & Extended Fasting

Even on the cleanest of diets, the entire digestive process is powered by energy.

Your body must work to convert calories into fuel. As advocated by some ancient medical systems like Ayurveda, you bypass that by fasting.

Fasting also increases the body’s focus, attention, stamina, and alertness increasing chemicals. Some practitioners dub fasting “nature’s Adderall”.

At the very least, restrict processed carbohydrates. Refined carbs give you a quick burst before an intense mid-afternoon crash as your blood sugar struggles to normalize.

Energy Biohack #14: Pomodoro Technique

Want a fast way to drain yourself?

Stare intently at your computer screen for eight hours with no break.

The antithesis of which, is the Pomodoro Technique.

Pomodoro is a system for chunking your workday into a series of productive blocks.

It’s the actual work time between micro-workout sessions listed above. Pomodoro goes something like:

  • 20-45 minutes of completely focused work.
  • 1-5 minutes of your preferred distraction.

Repeated for as long as necessary. Shoot for 20 cycles.

In biohacking learning, I explained how this is the optimal duration to maximize focus, memory, and learning.

Energy Biohack #15: Remove Energy Drains

You might find certain activities, events, and people disproportionately impact the way you feel.

Wherever possible, eliminate them ruthlessly. Doing the other strategies without addressing the things that change your mental (or physical) state is like trying to fill a bucket with gaping holes.

While I can’t comment on the people in your life, a new wearable that I recently reviewed called Amazon Halo can. It uses voice and tone analysis to detect your mood and tone throughout the day. I found conversations with specific people left me (in Amazon’s words) “exhausted”, “frustrated”, and “agitated”. And it’s surprisingly accurate at determining how your relationships make you feel.

Activity-wise, three sources leave me especially drained:

  • Email
  • Social media
  • News

I handle email by batch processing new emails down to twice per day.

Every once in a while I do a complete news and social media detox. I rid myself of this information wherever it could possibly be found. Not only are my days more productive, but my mood quickly improves too.

Warning: tell others your plans ahead of time and having some patience when they forget. 🙂

Energy Biohack #16: The Caffeine Upgrade

Caffeine is one of the most widely used stimulants on Earth.

As much as 85% of American adults use caffeine in some form.

Yet you’ve probably never heard of caffeine’s superior molecular cousin called paraxanthine.

When you consume caffeine, your body converts about 80% into paraxanthine. Paraxanthine is responsible for virtually all of the beneficial effects and none of the side effects. It’s also gentle on the body, non-habit forming, and doesn’t have a crash.

This is an ingredient that’s just now catching on and I predict you’ll see this everywhere in the near future.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about the science of paraxanthine vs caffeine, its benefits, its uses, and the best products.

Energy Biohack #17: Super Drinks

While we’re all familiar with caffeine, and you’ve now heard of its superior analog called paraxanthine, there are plenty of other great options.

Some are perfect for daily use, while others are better used on special occasions.

Nootropics are a special class of supplement ingredients that benefit brain function and sometimes the body too.

They’re becoming increasingly popular, as folks discover the right nootropics can keep energy sky-high.

You can find your ideal pick using this post on the best nootropic drinks for all-day energy.

Or, you grab my friend’s expertly crafted formula that professional athletes and entrepreneurs are loving. It’s called SnakeWater and it’s packed with everything you need for an energetic day.

Either way, you now have better alternatives to coffee and energy drinks.

Energy Biohack #18: NeuroTech

Have you ever worked out to your favorite song and noticed that you can push yourself quite a bit harder?

Recognize that beat, and feel a surge of energy coming on to you?

The right audio tracks can elevate energy levels quickly, consistently, and effectively.

And here’s the thing…

Certain neuromusic knocks the socks off your favorite pump-up playlist. They’re specifically engineered to put your brain into specific states for energy and high performance.

I use two services every single day:

Brainfm is more affordable and a good starting point while NuCalm is for those with a larger budget.

Best of all, with these services, you can use these late at night without disturbing your sleep. About 30 minutes after you stop using them, your brainwaves return to normal.

This post gives you tips and tools to increase mental energy and brain health.

Energy Biohack #19: Molecule of Life

Conversations around nutrition generally center either around macronutrients (fat, protein, carbs) or micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, etc).

Yet there’s one glaring omission…

Environmental toxicants, antibiotics, and other factors of modern living have impaired our gut microbiome and digestion. We don’t absorb nutrients as we should.

Chief among those is one of the core building blocks of life.


Unsurprisingly, research shows that molecular hydrogen supplements improve the health and performance of healthy folks and also benefit 180+ different disease conditions.

That’s why molecular hydrogen therapy is taking off.

There’s an upgraded version of hydrogen therapy called Brown’s Gas. In addition to hydrogen, it provides bioavailable free electrons. Quenching both our cellular nutrition while providing the raw energy the body needs to thrive.

Energy Biohack #20: Optimize Your Mitochondria

Mitochondria are the tiny decision-making nodes that manufacture energy, sex hormones, neurotransmitters, inflammatory and molecules. Basically, they run the show.

Bioharmonizing your mitochondria is one of the most important ways to improve your baseline energy, health, and performance.

If your mitochondria don’t work well, your cellular energy will suffer. This energy crisis forces the body to deprioritize certain systems. Your thinking slows, your regenerative abilities dwindle, your recovery diminishes, and your performance tanks.

On the other hand, when you give your mitochondria all the necessary inputs (clean nutrients, light, air, water, etc), they flourish. They provide you with consistent, steady all-day energy.

Top Strategies to Biohack Your Energy

Guard your energy closely. When it falls, so does the quality of your life. Burnout results from energy stalling for extended periods.

Caffeine works in a pinch. Yet it’s not always the best solution. Instead, try the following uncommon long-lasting energy hacks:

  1. Reduce email checking
  2. Find your ideal nootropics
  3. Try a social media detox
  4. Consume hydrogen
  5. Enjoy neurotech
  6. Walk more
  7. Stretch
  8. Use the Pomodoro Technique
  9. Fast
  10. Eat at regular times
  11. Practice mindful eating
  12. Wear computer glasses or use IrisTech
  13. Do micro-movements throughout the day
  14. Sauna
  15. Implement power transitions
  16. Get morning sunlight
  17. Take cold showers
  18. Drink water rich in trace minerals
  19. Nap in the early afternoon

What are your unusual energy biohacks?

Post Tags: Biohacking, Energy, Performance

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