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25 Weirdest Biohacks (From Around the Internet)

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weirdest bizarre biohacks
weirdest bizarre biohacks

Listen to some of the world’s top biohacking experts, and many of their daily rituals sound quite normal.

Keep researching, however, and you’re sure to raise an eyebrow.

Many health optimization influencers rely on some extreme practices.

Or at least, they’ve experimented with them.

Are you ready to discover the weirdest biohacks on the web?

Today, I’m sharing the most bizarre biohacks that have emerged from the depths of the internet. Please do your research before you consider implementing any of these.

1. Semen Retention

Semen retention is the practice of intentionally avoiding ejaculation. Proponents firmly believe it causes all kinds of physical and mental benefits. Such as boosting energy levels, heightening focus and concentration, enhancing athletic performance, increasing ambition, and even elevating spiritual prowess.

Many proponents draw inspiration from age-old Eastern philosophies and practices like Taoism and Tantra, which delve into the profound connection between sexual energy and overall well-being.

2. Coffee Enemas

Enemas have been used for centuries to stimulate bowel movements. That among a whole lot more. Coffee enemas take this practice further.

Advocates believe that adding coffee this way stimulates the liver, improves detoxification, increases bile flow, parasympathetic activation (paradoxically, since caffeine is a stimulant), stimulates skin health, anti-parasitic effects, lymphatic drainage, mechanical cleansing that removes impacted substances from the colon, a nice energy boost.

Part of it is believed to be because coffee’s active compounds (aside from caffeine) are best absorbed through the rectal lining.

This is one of the few things on this list that I occasionally use.

3. Urine Therapy

Urine therapy is a controversial practice that involves drinking and applying your own urine for supposed health benefits. It also dates back thousands of years, called Shivambu in the ancient Ayurvedic medical system.

Proponents claim that urine contains valuable nutrients, stem cells, hormones, and immune substances. Helping improve digestion, skin health, immunity, and even possessing anticancer properties.

While certainly strange, I find it interesting and am currently reading a book on it. Turns out there is actual research on urine therapy. I’ll write an article on urine therapy at some point once I understand it better.

4. Fecal Microbiota Transplant

Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is what it sounds like. Transferring fecal matter from a healthy donor into the G.I. tract of someone with health conditions or imbalanced gut microbiota.

This procedure aims to replenish beneficial bacteria in the colon and restore microbial balance. FMT shows promise to treat recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. However, it remains an experimental treatment for other conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

Since we know the vast importance of the gut microbiome yet don’t really understand the optimal composition, I’d be extremely careful pursuing FMT.

5. Young Blood

Young blood transfusion refers to infusing plasma or blood from young donors into older individuals. This is based on a theory that it’ll rejuvenate aging bodies among other potential health benefits.

So far, limited studies have investigated this concept (primarily in animal models). Research exploring its effects on humans is still ongoing.

As with many things on this list. young blood transfusions are not approved as a medical treatment by regulatory authorities. Nevertheless, they’ve received media coverage over the last few years as celebrities and influential biohackers share their experiences.

6. Ozone

Ozone therapy involves administering ozone gas (O3) into the body for health improvement purposes. It has many beneficial effects, including potent anti-microbial actions, antioxidative properties, promoting wound healing, and improving oxygenation and bodily nutrient delivery. It’s probably best known for its sanitization and sterilization properties.

I’m actually a fan of this modality. I personally own a system and reviewed the best ozone therapy machines for home use. Users administer it via multiple methods. Like intravenous injections, nasal “inhalation”, ear insufflation, or rectal insufflation.

Rectal ozone insufflation is the weirdest and most common, and like coffee enemas, it involves shooting ozone gas up your rear.

7. EMF (Electromagnetic Fields)

Cell phones, WiFi, BlueTooth, and anything that emits a wireless signal creates electromagnetic fields. Worry over the health-damaging effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has mounted over the last decade or so.

Biohackers are actively delving into strategies to reduce EMF exposure. These innovative approaches sometimes involve employing shielding materials for electronics or incorporating regular breaks from devices into daily routines. Or special protective cases for cell phones. In extreme cases, literal tinfoil hats (or at least, hats lined with tinfoil). If you’re curious about what works without looking ridiculous, check out my guide to the best anti-EMF devices, technologies, gear, and clothing.

And yes, ridiculous outfits aside, there’s a significant body of research showing the dangers of long-term exposure to this non-native EMR.

8. Electrical Stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a cutting-edge technique that applies targeted electrical impulses to impact human health. While this very technology appears new, it actually has over 50 years of use in Russia. Millennia if you consider ancient forms.

It works by applying electricity through electrode pads placed on specific parts of the body. Usually, the muscles. This tech optimizes muscle contraction and improves fitness and rehabilitation. Helping you build full-body strength, power, mobility, endurance/cardio, or even recover in just 20 minutes flat. Several times per week.

EMS has garnered widespread attention as a convenient and efficient method for strengthening muscles. This sounds like the subject of a gimmicky “six-minute abs” or “as seen on TV” infomercial, but it’s not. EMS training is brutal and you’ll certainly be dripping sweat.

I bought a device in 2023 and was mind-blown. Check out my Katalyst EMS Suit review to learn why. Be careful when using EMS technologies. You should certainly only use an FDA-cleared device to be safe.

9. Red Light Therapy (RLT) on Balls

Red light therapy (RLT) uses red and/or near-infrared light wavelengths to stimulate cellular function. The targeted tissues receive therapeutic benefits ranging from pain relief to increased athletic performance, to improved skin appearance.

Some biohackers experiment with briefly applying sunlight or RLT directly on their testicles. Primarily due to claims related to possible testosterone enhancement effects.

I haven’t tried it but don’t see much downside. Plus, it certainly makes for an interesting conversation starter. Of course, clinical evidence supporting the theoretical claims is limited.

10. Icing Balls

Hot and cold? Conversely, the practice of icing your testicles has also gained popularity. It involves applying ice packs or cold temperatures directly over the scrotum area for varying durations.

Claims around this one range from increased sperm count/quality/fertility support, to testosterone boosting and beyond. The former is hypothesized due to temperature regulation effects potentially achieved through reducing inflammation or temporarily lowering metabolic activity.

One of the top biohacking experts, Lucas Aoun, even recommends this as a lesser-known biohack you can try.

It makes the most sense for those using sauna/heat therapy who are concerned with fertility.

11. Butthole Sunning

More butt stuff. Butthole sunning (perineum sunning) is a practice that involves exposing your butt to direct sunlight. Yes, this is a real practice.

Proponents claim it provides a range of health benefits, including heightened energy levels, improved mood, enhanced hormone production, and even increased creativity. They believe that sunlight absorbed through the perineum positively impacts the body’s energy centers and overall well-being.

Of course, no one has studied it. Research proposals suggesting they study butthole sunning would be laughed out of the queue.

As should be common sense, if you choose to try this, keep your exposure limited to avoid sunburn.

12. Mouth Taping

Mouth taping is also what it sounds like. A practice that involves using tape to seal your mouth. Usually, during sleep.

This is because it encourages nasal breathing and prevents mouth breathing. Since breathing through the nose exerts nearly 30 key health functions that mouth breathing lacks, this practice can have a wide range of benefits. Like enhanced sleep quality, reduced snoring, waking up refreshed, even reduced cavities, and improved overall health.

Nasal breathing facilitates better oxygen absorption and filtration while promoting optimal respiration. Though it looks ridiculous and a bit eery, I used to do it nightly and it had a profound impact on my sleep. So much so that I wrote the ultimate guide to mouth-taping for sleep & performance.

13. Grinders

Grinders are an extreme subset of biohackers who experiment on themselves. They implant various electronic devices or technology into their bodies. The biohacking subculture pushes the boundaries of human augmentation by integrating technology with the human body.

Grinders often implant magnets under the skin for sensory augmentation. Or, they insert RFID chips for identification purposes.

Obviously, this area of biohacking is highly experimental and quite risky. Nevertheless, it’s interesting because grinders explore the bounds of merging technology and biology to enhance human capabilities.

14. Repurposing (Cancer) Drugs

Extreme biohackers and doctors have ventured into repurposing drugs for non-approved purposes. They’re motivated by the idea that these drugs may yield off-label benefits. Among them, are potent anti-cancer/immunosuppressive drugs.

This unconventional practice entails self-administering medications originally intended for cancer treatment in the pursuit of diverse outcomes, such as heightened cognition, anti-aging, or improved physical endurance.

Some prominent examples include the hot repurposed longevity drugs rapamycin (immunosuppressive) and dastinib (anti-cancer).

Off-label drug use, especially some of the popular ones, warrants the utmost caution. Potential side effects and unknown long-term consequences of non-approved use make this practice extremely dangerous.

15. Extreme Diets

Extreme diets mandate following highly restrictive eating patterns or eliminating entire foods/food groups for supposed better health or performance goals. Although they’ve become somewhat normal today, they can have permanent consequences.

Examples include the carnivore diet (strictly consuming zero-carb animal products), the raw food diet (only eating uncooked plant-based foods), or the fasting-mimicking diet (periods of severe calorie restriction).

These highly restrictive elimination diets often offer benefits like weight loss, energy, or improved health markers over the short term. Often, they cause major health issues over the long term.

It’s interesting to watch these camps though. They bifurcate almost into sub-species of humans.

16. Suppository Supplements

The last one related to butts, I promise. Suppositories are a delivery mechanism used to enhance the absorption of medications or nutrients into the bloodstream. This delivery method bypasses the digestive system and allows for direct absorption, potentially increasing bioavailability and avoiding gastrointestinal issues. Common examples include vitamins, minerals, hormones, or even recreational drugs.

Most people only use them as a last resort for certain medications. Of course, biohackers are changing this.

Thanks to the absorption and bioavailability benefits, some supplement companies now sell products that claim to rival the efficacy of intravenous administration of certain nutrients. Like the antioxidants glutathione and melatonin, or even NAD+.

I’ve used them several times, and they certainly are a whole lot more powerful and long-lasting than their oral counterparts.

17. Hapé

Hapé, also known as Rapé, is a type of powdered tobacco snuff used in shamanic rituals in the Amazon rainforest.

This special form of tobacco is blown into the nostrils to induce altered states of consciousness. Or, for medicinal purposes.

It immediately induces tearing, a feeling of inhaling glass, and most desirably, total mental clarity and groundedness. Until you experience Hapé, it’s hard to understand why anyone would choose this over more conventional tobacco preparations.

Hapé is typically made by grinding tobacco leaves together with other plant ingredients, such as tree bark or ashes. Some more modern formulas add essential oils to their Hapé.

The effects of Hapé vary depending on the specific blend and strain used. Regardless, it has psychoactive, energizing, and purifying properties.

18. Kambo

Kambo, also known as “frog medicine,” involves applying the secretions of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog to small burn marks on the skin.

Although it’s a non-psychoactive medicine, it has purgative and detoxifying effects. Kambo also contains a plethora of bioactive peptides, with a special affinity towards bioregulating the immune system and protecting against microbial infection.

Kambo ceremonies are traditionally used by indigenous tribes in South America for spiritual cleansing and healing purposes.

Kambo continues to grow and become popular, despite the scary appearance of the practice. Should you explore this realm, you’ll certainly want the guidance of a certified practitioner.

19. Vampire Facial

The vampire facial, a popular subset of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, is a procedure that entails multiple steps. First, drawing blood from an individual, then isolating the platelet-rich plasma through processing. Finally, injecting it back into the face.

Advocates assert that it stimulates collagen production, enhances skin appearance, and rejuvenates the skin. Leading to a younger and more healthy look. The platelets found in the blood contain growth factors that initiate tissue repair and regeneration.

20. Worm Therapy

Some individuals intentionally infect themselves with parasitic worms in an attempt to modulate their immune system and alleviate symptoms of autoimmune conditions. Most commonly, with helminths.

Worm therapy, also known as helminthic therapy, is a practice rooted in the hygiene hypothesis. This proposes that limited exposure to specific parasites and microbes could contribute to the onset of immune-related disorders.

Supporters of this therapy believe that introducing worms into the body can help immunity and alleviate inflammation.

If I had problems with inflammation or immunity, I certainly would not turn to Worm Therapy as one of my top picks. Especially because they can be incredibly difficult to fully eradicate.

21. Apitherapy

Bee-derived products have trended in the natural health community for several years. Apitherapy is an unconventional therapy that involves using bee products such as bee venom, honey, or royal jelly for health.

Bee venom therapy, in particular, involves intentionally getting stung by bees to harness the potential therapeutic properties of the venom. Proponents assert that bee venom has anti-inflammatory properties, alleviates pain, accelerates wound healing, and may even help treat conditions like arthritis or multiple sclerosis.

This is another one I’m in no hurry to test. Especially considering that my reaction to bee venom has been sporadic over the years.

22. Cryonics

Cryonics is the experimental practice of freezing a person’s body or brain indefinitely. With the aspiration of reviving them back to life in the future. This is often done for those with terminal illnesses or nearing the end of their life, with the hope that future medicine will have answers.

It’s believed to work by preserving the body or brain at extremely low temperatures using cryoprotective agents.

We currently have no idea if/how it’ll work or the extent of recovery possible.

However, for the terminally ill, it may make sense. Time will tell.

23. Human Transplantation

“Human transplantation” surgically connects an extreme biohacker’s circulatory system with another willing participant. To share blood and potentially exchange nutrients or antibodies. For some, to share life experiences.

Yes, literally connecting the organs of two separate humans.

This practice is highly dangerous and ethically questionable. It poses major risks of infection, organ rejection, and other complications.

In many areas, these types of human transplantation experiments are illegal. I can’t see a legitimate reason to attempt this, but some biohackers do.

24. Extreme Sensory Deprivation

Sensory deprivation tanks, also called floatation tanks, let you float in a tank filled with salt water. Facilitated by body temperature water, surrounded by complete darkness and silence. This is done to induce profound relaxation, heightened sensory perception, and mental clarity.

Some people compare it to a psychedelic experience.

Extremists have explored more intense forms of sensory deprivation. Such as prolonged periods in complete darkness or silence. Spending up to a week in complete and total darkness is supposed to be a deeply therapeutic experience. This long-term lack of light is theorized to cause the body to release a powerful psychedelic substance known as DMT.

25. Vaginal Steaming

Vaginal steaming is what it sounds like. Advocates sit naked over a pot of steaming water infused with herbs like mugwort and rosemary.

The belief is that it cleanses the uterus, regulates menstrual cycles, increases blood flow to the pelvic area, induces relaxation, and offers other gynecological benefits. It’s another practice sometimes endorsed by major celebrities.

If done improperly, there’s the risk of burns or infections. Although I (obviously) have no experience, I know several people who swear by it.

Wrapping Up the Strangest Biohacks

Many of today’s most popular free biohacks were once considered weird.

Lots of the things on this list have been instrumental to the health and wellness of folks across the globe.

Biohackers research, test, review, and iterate on health optimization. Often decades ahead of the general population.

If you’ve never come across the things on this list, I urge you to do more research and to work with a professional before even considering your next steps.

Safety should come first.

And if I’m missing any strange biohacks, please drop a comment below and I’ll research and add them to the list!

If you found this post interesting, I’d love for you to send it to a biohacker friend or post it on social media.


Post Tags: Alternative Medicine, Biohacking, Protocol

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