Biohacking Basics

Chronic Health Issue? Check These 7 Underlying Causes

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Health Issues Root Causes Ftd1
Health Issues Root Causes Ftd1

Your body is incredibly resilient.

Every second, billions of electro-magneto-bio-chemical processes keep you alive.

Even slight disturbances can cause major consequences. Yet your body has a myriad of redundancies in place.

When those systems get overtaxed, however, slight symptoms magnify into serious conditions.

Your biochemistry, constitution, genetics, epigenetics, and other influences determine how health conditions present.

For some, that may look like metabolic disorders (diabetes, insulin resistance, weight gain, etc). For others, this manifests as cardiovascular disease. Others yet experience this breakdown as autoimmunity. Or any of thousands of diagnoses.

While the traditional approach focuses on one molecule or therapy to address one issue, top health professionals use a better approach.

Building fundamental health via the principles of bioharmony. It all starts with finding your root causes.

In this post, I’ll break down the most important root causes of potential diseases and conditions. By addressing these, other downstream problems may resolve themselves. And the side effect? You get to enjoy all the perks of better health too.

The Difficulty of Root Cause Medicine

Doctor holding a stethoscope to make a root cause diagnosis
Thousands of disease labels result from issues originating from a handful of core causes.

Humans are cybernetic systems (systems of systems).

Aside from hereditary conditions, virtually all others arise from multiple contributing factors.

Sometimes, one cause dominates. Other times, other causes contribute to the final disease manifestation.

Most commonly, mildtomoderate imbalances of multiple of the below factors play the largest role.

Address each, and you build a solid foundation predisposing you to optimal health.

Substance Imbalance

As a finely tuned system, your body requires precise ratios of many vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and other substances to run optimally.

Improper ratios (or insufficient quantity) of even one substance, and your overall health may decline.

Declining overall health sets the stage for many chronic degenerative conditions Share on X

Deficiency is incredibly common. Some researchers estimate that 1/3 of Americans are deficient in 10+ minerals. And that’s just for minerals.

What’s causing this?

Increased nutrient needs because of nutrientdepleted soil, NPK fertilizers used in profitmaximizing agriculture, gut dysbiosis, polypharmacological chemical exposure, and chronic stress.

Then you have electrosmog, concentrated levels of “antinutrients” within foods, poor lifestyle choices, circadian disruption, and countless other factors.

Deficiency is half the issue here. The other?


Some nutrients, while essential in therapeutic dosages, also cause toxicity in excess. The classic examples include (but aren’t limited to) the fatsoluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).

More concerning, however, is the everincreasing burden of toxic chemical exposure. 10,000+ endocrine disrupting chemicals now pollute our environment, food, water, and air. You simply cannot avoid them. Most people are exposed to 100+ before even leaving the house in the morning.

The polypharmacological effects of combining the chemicals—as inevitably occurs in your everyday life—have never passed rigorous safety tests. Nor have they even undergone study.

How can you screen certain chemicals in which the top modern lab tests cannot detect?

Some toxicants, like heavy metals, clog up cells and prevent them from working properly. They lose the ability to clear their own waste, and these cells become dangerous to the body. Your body has mechanisms to fix this, but the capacity rarely meets the demand.

That’s why many health practitioners begin treatment with a thorough cellular detoxification protocol.

Whether or not you work with a health professional, if you’re concerned about a major issue, I always recommend thorough testing. You can either go to a lab or use an athome health testing kit or service.

When your body has higher levels of heavy metals, you become a magnet for electrosmog and certain kinds of infections.


The word “infection” probably conjures up memories of days spent bedridden and miserable with viral or bacterial illness. Or years spent locked at home in isolation.

As we’ve seen over the last five years, infections can cause longterm complications.

There’s also an entire world of undiagnosed infections. Before the most recent health crisis, the medical literature documented this same phenomenon of “asymptomatic spreaders” as “subclinical infection” [R]. Meaning an infection without overt or indicative symptoms.

These can arise from something as simple as the flu, or as serious as Lyme’s Disease.

Or, something else entirely.

Your dysregulated biomarkers may not stem from bacteria or viruses. Perhaps, a parasite infection. Parasites are not very well understood by Western medicine.

Tests usually return false negatives, so much so that many doctors call parasite infections “pseudoscience”. They’re not. Talk to a few of the most effective (and experienced) health practitioners, and they’ll have stories.

While a larger issue in some regions, parasite infections still pervade firstworld countries too. Oddly, they can have important protective effects in the body too (i.e. sequestering heavy metals).

Before beginning a scientific parasite removal protocol or trying to rid the body of other infections, I recommend first doing the cellular cleanse. That helps prevent serious complications.

Left unchecked, parasites (or other infections) weaken and dysregulate your immune system. They set you up for worse problems. In extreme cases, infections can cause organ failure or even kill you.

Oral Health

Dentist observing a dental model with a mouth mirror
The state of your mouth either worsens or improves your health. All day, every day. One bite at a time.

For most of my life, the mouth bored me.

Straighten and brush your teeth/gums and Voilà. Perfect oral health.

Simple, right?

Then I learned about the link between the mouth and airway. I thought… since breathing’s a core human function, perhaps I should look into it.

After interviewing some prominent MDs, I realized…

The mouth is the first and primary gateway into the body. Slight disturbances can cause a slew of issues

Inflamed and/or diseased gums give bacteria on food a direct line into the bloodstream. Letting them evade breakdown by the acidity of the stomach, processing by the liver, or neutralization by the immune system.

Every bite of food can either supply essential nutrients, or deliver pathogens and systemic inflammation—depending on your oral health & microbiome Share on X

Ancient cultures knew that health begins in your mouth. 5,000+ years ago, the Ayurvedic medical system famously mentioned that digestion begins in the mouth. And that taste receptors play crucial roles. Western medicine has caught up, concluding that digestive enzyme production powerfully activates when food comes into contact with the mouth.

Those cultures, however, could accurately diagnose conditions and whole-body health solely based on the mouth. The mouth shows signs of systemic diseases before other parts of the body do.

Gum disease alone is strongly linked to:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Arthritis
  • COPD
  • Other inflammatory conditions

If you’ve had a root canal, definitely work with a biological dentist to get it remediated.

If you’ve had cavities and fillings, make sure that they didn’t use any mercury or other toxic elements. Otherwise, these can off-gas and poison you every time your tooth is exposed to hot liquids or high pressure (from biting down hard).

Avoid conventional mouthwash as it destroys the oral microbiome, shuts down nitric oxide production, and is linked to countless diseases later in life.

After fixing any root canals and cavities, to level up your oral health I recommend using tongue scraping, oil pulling, hydrogen peroxide mouthwash, and flossing with either conventional floss or a Waterpik.

Gut Microbiome

Biohackers optimizing the "second brain" (gut microbiome)

Do the secrets to optimal health reside in your gut microbiome?

You’ve probably heard the gut referred to as the “second brain”.

Or that the vast majority of the immune system resides in the gut. Or that the gut creates most of the brain’s chemicals (neurotransmitters).

Over the last few decades, one thing has become clear—the gut microbiome is intimately tied to every organ system and parameter of health.

So much so that researchers now include gut dysbiosis as one of the core hallmarks of the aging process.

If you have a “leaky” gut, toxins in your bowel movement get into your bloodstream. Then, if your blood’s force-field (called the brain barrier) is at all leaky, those toxins enter and inflame the brain. The most famous toxin is an endotoxin called lipopolysaccharide (LPS).

This neuroinflammation sets the stage for neurological conditions.

Microbes outnumber your human cells 4-10X. Meaning that for every human cell, you have 4-10 microbes within you.

Research definitively shows that alterations to the gut microbiome can do incredible things and have wide-reaching effects. For example, one famous study found…

A single course of antibiotics (imbalancing the beneficial gut microbes more than the pathogenic) increased risk of depression one year later by 20-25%

Antibiotic exposure and the risk for depression, anxiety, or psychosis: a nested case-control study

Gut microbiome dysregulation is hypothesized to be a primary driver of cancer caused by meat-consumption.

Transplanting the microbiome of a healthy person into a sick person (“FMT Therapy”) can cause incredible improvements. While transplanting the microbiome of a sick person into a healthy person harms the healthy one.

After testing Joel Greene’s gut-microbiome-manipulating protocol in the Immunity Code book, I cured my lactose intolerance.

Thorough gut analysis and optimization is an excellent idea to understand how this may contribute to whatever symptoms you’re experiencing.


Consuming the highest quality food and drink doesn’t do much good if your body—and cells—cannot use the nutrients.

You must digest, absorb, and assimilate nutrients to generate cellular energy efficiently. This energy powers every organ and biochemical process occurring throughout your body.

Bioenergetics is the study of this energy generation process. There are two key components to it:

  • Net energy created
  • Amount of cellular waste byproducts

When there’s insufficient energy, the body must prioritize which systems to run. Anything not crucial to your immediate survival gets throttled and slowed down to conserve energy. Your computer does something similar when it runs low on memory.

If you computer runs out of memory (RAM), it slows down and becomes glitchy.

The human equivalency is health symptoms. Over the long-term, symptoms worsen into conditions.

The particular symptoms and eventual conditions depend on a wide variety of factors.

Insufficient cellular energy somewhere in the body underpins all diseases.

The bioenergetic health and diet paradigm are about providing the body with ample energy. By understanding any potential bottlenecks or issues, bioenergetic practitioners help clients circumvent or resolve major issues.

That’s why levels of hormones like insulin, cortisol, thyroid, mitochondrial health, and other key nutrients have become so popular over the last decade.


A clean living room with a couch, plants, candles, and fragrance sticks
The environments in which you spend the most time will either passively improve or sabotage your wellbeing

So far, in this list we’ve focused on the inside of your body.

What goes on and around your biology matters equally.

Every environment you spend time in affects you. Your home, your car, your office, restaurants, social gatherings, walking outdoors, hospitals, etc.

You can also break some of these up into sub-environments. Your home may comprise a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room.

With each environment, the greater the exposure or biological incompatibility, the more potential damage.

24/7 and on autopilot, your living environments either deplete or supercharge your health Share on X

Some of the major factors that make a space biologically incompatible (and unhealthy) include:

  • Mold (high levels of mycotoxins)
  • Poor air quality
  • Junk light (CFLs, fluorescents, cheap LEDs)
  • Non-native EMFs
  • Sanitation and sterility (excess)
  • Toxic chemicals, conventional furniture (VOCs), synthetic air fresheners

For example, hospitals contain junk lighting, bad food, and are extremely sterile, yet harbor dangerous pathogens. A week spent in a hospital will certainly disrupt many parameters of health.

On the other hand, perhaps your home has had issues with high humidity or water leaks. Meaning, you likely have toxic mold. People often discover that they can’t get healthy in a moldy environment.

No amount of therapeutics, biohacking protocols, or supplements will overcome chronic toxic mold exposure. Especially if you have genetic susceptibilities to mold/poor detox.

Fix your environments, and you may address the very factors keeping you unwell (or suboptimal).

Autonomic Blocks

Your subjective qualitative life experience is likely the most important overlooked determinant of health. You can’t measure this directly via any lab test, and most health practitioners won’t ask about it.

The alternative medicine and spiritual communities have long-known something that mainstream Western medicine is only now coming around to.

Your interpretation of life experiences (stress/trauma) matters more than the events themselves Share on X

Mere thoughts can cause powerful biological changes.

For example, right now close your eyes and vividly imagine biting into a juicy yellow lemon. Just the thought alone will make you salivate within seconds.

This happens constantly when you experience what you perceive as stress or pain. Your mind conjures up the same biochemical reactions as the original event.

Emotions/feelings link the physical, biochemical world with the mental.

Emotional autonomic blocks are so potent that they can cause “unexplainable” spontaneous remission. Conversely, the spontaneous generation of disease.

If you block, ignore, or mask a feeling—it lodges as a stress into your nervous system. There, it disrupts cellular communication and alters your personality.

These past experiences explain why you may react violently when someone speaks against your diet. Why you may get frustrated if someone acts in a way that you believe is wrong.

Emotions are not dumb or pointless. They carry crucial biological messages.

True emotional health is about tapping into the way you feel and extracting the message. When you allow and identify a feeling, it’ll often shift.

As will your personality. Suddenly, that thing that ruined your mood no longer affects you. You stay more centered and grounded.

How can you get rid of cancer if you can’t even let go of what your friend said to you last week?

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s many case studies nicely illustrate how, through emotional manipulation alone, folks have tremendous spontaneous remissions all the time.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s classic book, The Body Keeps The Score, explains how all this works.

You can also check out the work of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. Some of his clients had issues with toxicity that they couldn’t eliminate.

He sometimes injects these clients with DNPS into the nerve plexus around an organ. After doing emotional healing work on it, they would immediately expel mercury and heavy metals.

There’s a strong relationship between your psychology and physiology, meditated by your emotional wellbeing.

Resolve any blocks and dysfunctions sometimes disappear overnight.

Understand What’s Making You Sick

Disease has climbed at an increasing rate.

Despite all the wonders of modern medicine, for the first time in decades, human lifespan has declined.

Although the human body’s incredibly resilient, the more we deviate from ancestrally compatible lifestyles, the sicker we become.

The way sickness presents—and your potential medical diagnosis—depends on your unique body and mind. Factors like genetics, epigenetics, anatomical structure, and bodily constitution all play a part.

To resolve them, you can go several routes.

First, the mainstream approach is to target a particular disease label. It’s the accepted standard of care, and judging by recent medical statistics, doesn’t work very well.

Alternatively, you can solely focus on fixing the root causes. This can work to build overall health, and as a side effect, conditions may disappear. The success of this, however, depends on your ability to accurately determine your root causes.

My favorite approach—what will eventually become the standard of care—is to address each of the above root causes while simultaneously working on the particular disease expression.

In other words, marrying the best of both worlds.

When done right, your overall health improves and your conditions vanish. Improving quality of life and healthspan, over the long-term.

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Thank you.


Post Tags: Biohacking, Foundational Health, Healing, Health, Immunity, Lifestyle, Recovery & Resilience

Medical Disclaimer

Nick is not a doctor. This site provides research, observation, and opinion. Any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Nothing on it is to be construed as medical advice or as substitute for medical advice.

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2 thoughts on “Chronic Health Issue? Check These 7 Underlying Causes”

  1. Hi Nick, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune condition deemed incurable by conventional medicine. However, through a transformative journey of adopting a healthy diet, modifying my environment, and practicing yoga, I managed to completely reverse my condition. My experience stands as a testament to the power of holistic lifestyle changes in overcoming even the most challenging health issues. I am sharing my experience with you. So it might be helpful for some people.


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