Biohacking Basics

Brown’s Gas for Peak Health: Ultimate Guide

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browns gas guide
browns gas guide

As molecular hydrogen water bottles and H2 therapy trend on TikTok, a more powerful option flies under the radar.

It’s a health optimization practice called Brown’s gas therapy.

The anecdotal regenerative capacities make it sound like a biohacking panacea. Including improvements to:

  • Vision
  • Immunity
  • Energy
  • Cognitive brainpower
  • Athletic recovery
  • Hair loss & greying hair reversal
  • Scars & warts disappearing
  • Heart & skin health
  • Craving and appetite control.

Once you try it, you won’t go back to molecular hydrogen.

In this article, I’ll break down how to use Brown’s gas therapy for optimal health.

What is Brown’s Gas?

How Brown's gas is generated, it's benefits, and other names

Brown’s gas is a combination of Hydrogen, Oxygen, H2, O2, H2O (as water vapor), and energized water (called Electrically Expanded Water or ExW).

It’s generated from a special machine called an electrolyzer that breaks down water into its elemental constituents (two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen).

Traditional electrolyzers use a membrane to separate the resulting gases. Brown’s gas electrolyzers do NOT.

Though very few people have heard of it, knowledge of Brown’s gas dates back to the early 20th century. A rocket scientist named William Rhodes first patented it in the early 1960s [R].

Brown’s gas started catching on in the 1970s when Yull Brown received his own patent, drawing worldwide attention [R]. He was researching it as an energy alternative to fossil fuels.

George Wiseman, the inventor of Eagle Research and the AquaCure systems, began his own research in 1986. He’s appeared on YouTube videos and many podcasts, and I credit him with today’s third resurgence of the subject.

You’ll encounter this gas in scientific and publicly available literature under several other names:

While it’s still used as a great fuel source, this inexpensive and flexible therapeutic gas is considered to be among the world’s most powerful antioxidants to benefit human health.

Constituents within Brown’s gas

Some of HydrOxy’s currently recognized constituents include:

  1. Electrically Expanded Water (ExW). Our bodies run on electricity, and ExW gives our body a jump start of real, bioavailable energy. ExW is water that has absorbed enough extra electrons to form a negatively-charged cold plasma. These bioavailable electrons directly power each of our cells. The body doesn’t need to rely on itself to generate or convert any energy. ExW provides the raw energy to accelerate healing and stop oxidative cascade
  2. Hydrogen. Thousands of studies have shown that absorbing more hydrogen improves over 170 different ailments and physical performance among the healthy. Hydrogen selectively reduces free radicals and nourishes the body
  3. Oxygen. One of the well-known keys to sustaining life. Like hydrogen, every chemical process in the body requires oxygen. Oxygen can also kill some anaerobic pathogens in water, as well as aid clotting. Reports suggest that inhaling BG can help raise low blood oxygen levels by increasing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen
  4. Water. Some water (with a positive ORP) can be ‘dehydrating’. Water infused with Brown’s Gas has special properties and is among the healthiest on the planet. For one, it has a higher pH, which makes it alkalizing.  It also decreases ORP to significant negative values, indicating excess bioavailable electrons. BG water also hydrates better even when drinking less water. BG can also form the novel “New Water” which is rumored to better imprint information and transmute substances

Together, these work to hydrate your body on the deepest level.

The results and benefits of BG benefit from the entourage effect — the combination of constituents far exceeds the sum of the individuals (like 1+1=5).

Brown’s gas vs molecular hydrogen

When I first heard molecular hydrogen researcher Tyler LeBaron break down the research backing molecular hydrogen (H2) in 2016, I didn’t believe what I heard. Too good to be true.

So I investigated scores of studies listed on his Molecular Hydrogen Institute website. One by one, each PubMed study verified his claims.

From conversations with other biohackers, it appeared to be a gaping hole in my peak performance supplement stack. I began understanding why H2 has become 2021’s darling of the supplement industry.

Thanks to well-researched influencers, molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy grows more popular by the day.

Although the two are sometimes conflated, Brown’s gas inhalation therapy is different than molecular hydrogen. It’s also different from hydrogen gas Share on X

In fact, Brown’s gas contains molecular hydrogen and other constituents. But the inverse isn’t true. Molecular hydrogen is just hydrogen.

Much of the research conflates the two, attributing the benefits of Brown’s gas to molecular hydrogen. Meaning that much of the research on the benefits of molecular hydrogen is really using Brown’s gas.

Yet these folks haven’t heard of BG.

Here are some reasons why Brown’s gas is better than molecular hydrogen tablets:

  1. Cheaper over the long term. A bottle of 60 tablets can cost $50. Following the optimal protocol of morning and evening dosing, that’s $50 per month. Machines are a (big) onetime expense with virtually zero ongoing cost. Quality machines will break even with the tablets after ~36 months
  2. 100X more potent. The fasted and best way to saturate the body is by inhaling the gas. George Wiseman’s research has shown that you absorb more H2 in 12 seconds of inhalation than drinking an entire quart of 1.6 PPM hydrogen-enriched water [R]
  3. Contains Electrically Expanded Water (ExW). ExW provides the body energy in its raw form. This helps reactivate bodily systems that had shutdown
  4. Magnesium. Some companies use an inferior technique which leads to toxic magnesium oxide in the tablet. Another rare but potential concern is over-consuming magnesium (called hypermagnesemia). Further, the magnesium in many tables might not be bio-available, forcing the body to process a substance it can’t use
  5. Contamination. H2 tablets are hard to manufacture and often contaminated with impurities and toxic substances

These days, I only use molecular hydrogen tablets while traveling.

Brown’s gas vs water

Brown’s gas is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen. If you recall the chemical formula of water, you may notice that they’re the same (H2O).

Unlike water, however, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms do not bond together to form H2O. Instead, they stay as separate individual atoms (H and O).

This difference seems trivial, but it dramatically changes the interactions and properties of OxyHydrogen (versus water).

Benefits of Brown’s Gas Therapy

The benefits of Brown's gas therapy on digestion, the nervous system, respiratory system, and more

Molecular hydrogen alone impacts virtually every bodily system and organ. Since it contains H2 and other beneficial substances, HHO does even more.

This quote nicely sums it up…

“BG is considered to be an inexpensive, flexible and effective therapy which, due to its production using water electrolysis compared to molecular hydrogen from a purified source, may be used “on demand” for many diseases in hospitals and outpatient departments.”

Brown’s Gas for Health: Background, Observations and Medical Data

BG may seem new to us, but it has a rich history of use in other countries. Much of the research has taken place outside of the USA.

In fact, travel around Asia and you can walk off the street into popular Hydrogen/Brown’s gas bars.

These benefits are known outside Asia too.

In my precursory studies, I’ve discovered the following Brown’s gas health and performance benefits:

  1. Alkalinity (pH) of water increases from 7 to 8+
  2. Longevity healthspan potentially increases between 30% to 50%
  3. Mental alertness and health boost
  4. Deep, cellular hydration
  5. Wounds heal faster [R, R]
  6. Blood glucose decreases [R]
  7. Blood pressure regulation improves
  8. Mitochondrial function enhances [R]
  9. Cellular aging slows [R]
  10. Protects genes (DNA and RNA) [R]
  11. Eliminates scars, warts, psoriasis
  12. Neuroprotective and cardioprotective [R]
  13. Mitigates damage from TBI [R]
  14. Anti-inflammatory [R, R]
  15. Liver & organ health improve [R]
  16. Protects against radiation injury [R]
  17. Attenuates cellular damage from drugs, chemicals, and toxicants [R]
  18. Mitigates allergies & respiratory ailments
  19. Workout recovery accelerates
  20. Pain, headache, and neuropathy relief
  21. Muscle relaxer
  22. Vision and eye health restoration
  23. Hair growth and hair greying reverses
  24. Neutralizes free radicals selectively (keeps the good ones) [R]
  25. Inhibits pathogenesis via anti-microbial oxygen
  26. Immune system strengthens and better fights existing conditions [R, R, R]
  27. Cytokine storm stops by providing the necessary free electrons
  28. Oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells improves
  29. Libido increases
  30. Exercise mimetic actions
  31. Homeopathically programs water
  32. Hormetic benefits of exercise increase, rather than blunting like other antioxidants
  33. Vitalizes water with special “life energy

The Russians have studied these gasses extensively for their space program. Other investigations have determined it warrants inclusion in lists of emergency and critical care medicines.

There are tons of others too. Including case studies. Keep in mind that some of those studies are theoretical or used animal models.

I came across a Korean patent on Brown’s gas that claimed these potential health benefits [R]:

  1. General pain relief: Reduction of pain in various conditions, including neuralgia, pelvic pain, and menstrual cramps
  2. Muscle pain relief: Effective in eliminating or alleviating symptoms of muscle pain and stiffness when sprayed on affected areas
  3. Joint pain relief: Significant reduction of pain and inflammation in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative arthritis
  4. Spinal disc symptom relief: Alleviation of pain and symptoms associated with spinal disc issues
  5. Headache relief: Improvement in chronic headaches, migraines, and headaches resulting from neck injuries
  6. Wound healing & inflammation reduction: Acceleration of wound healing and reduction of inflammation in bacterial infections
  7. Skin inflammation & allergy relief: Inhibition of allergic reactions and improvement in non-infectious inflammatory skin conditions
  8. Eye disease improvement: Positive effects observed in patients with various eye conditions
  9. Parkinson’s disease symptom improvement: Alleviation of symptoms related to Parkinson’s disease, such as tremors and speech impairment
  10. Blood circulation enhancements: Overall improvement in blood circulation leading to a sense of well-being and reduced symptoms

So how does it work?

How Brown’s gas improves health (modes of action)

Brown's Gas Science, Safety & Benefits (AquaCure AC50) | George Wiseman @eagleresearchllc5656

Scientists are hard at work discovering exactly how Brown’s gas works.

They’ve already discovered a number of different mechanisms that contribute to the benefits.

First, HHO therapy acts as a selective antioxidant that reduces oxidative damage to to mitochondrial DNA and proteins.

It improves the efficiency of the cellular energy generation process (mitochondrial electron transport chain). Preventing the congestion and leakage of electrons.

It also seems to enhance antioxidant defense pathways like NRF2, which upregulates antioxidant enzymes like catalase and superoxide dismutase to further protect mitochondria.

BG modulates inflammation by reducing NF-κB.

Finally, it seems to help protect against conditions associated with low oxygen (reperfusion injury, ischemia).

How to Choose a Top Brown’s Gas Machine

Thinking about buying a Brown’s gas generator to improve your health?

You must know a few things first, to avoid making an expensive mistake.

Key factors to consider when buying a Brown’s gas machine include:

  1. Quality. Many manufacturers cut corners using cheap parts from overseas which breakdown, off-gas, or suffer from poor quality control. High-quality devices come with a lifetime warranty and one year no questions asked money-back guarantee
  2. Ease of use. I’m no chemist, physicist, or engineer. I wanted a machine that I could learn quickly and simply teach friends, family, and guests to use
  3. Value. Some electrolyzers are cheap. But they notoriously break down, don’t perform as expected, or lack important information. If it lasts a lifetime, I want to get something top-of-the-line, preferably which doesn’t cost an arm and leg
  4. Safety. Hydrogen gas is explosive. I don’t understand the physics well enough to trust myself to stay safe. Plus, some units expose you to raw materials (lye) which can cause pneumonia. Basically, BG has plenty of potential for danger so I wanted a machine that handles all the complications for me
  5. Use cases. Cheaper units just generate BG-infused water. The more advanced ones also generate BG gas for inhalation. State-of-the-art machines support up to 6 different application protocols

Most hydrogen machines do not produce Brown’s gas.

True Brown’s gas systems create molecular hydrogen water and vapor to inhale, but molecular hydrogen machines do NOT generate Brown’s gas Share on X

I sometimes see the marketing materials of H2 machines falsely claiming to be “oxyhydrogen generators” or BG devices because they add oxygen into the final product.

Or they supply additional oxygen to inhale. This appears to have less therapeutic benefit.

True BG generators create monatomic oxygen and hydrogen at the same time. Without introducing anything additional.

The top systems allow you to administer BG various ways: inhalation via nasal cannula, infusing into water, topical application, and several others.

While each method has its pros, cons, and use cases; inhalation and Brown’s gas-infused water are the two best.

Cheaper models only allow one or two modes of administration.

Quality of the engineering matters dramatically too. Because these generate hydrogen, most systems have at least one glaring issue:

  • Too weak
  • Explosive

You want a clinical-grade system that has multiple safety redundancies built-in, and that delivers therapeutic doses. Reputable products should discuss both potency and safety.

Brown’s Gas: The Untapped Key to Longevity & Optimal Health?

Judging based on commercial sales volume, less than 0.01% of the world population has used Brown’s gas.

Molecular hydrogen has been researched in nearly 2,000 studies across 200 disease models

Olympians, professional athletes, elite CEOs, and other high-performers use it to get a significant edge.

Brown’s gas contains molecular hydrogen and other beneficial substances.

Hydrogen and its upgraded brother Brown’s gas are likely going to be one of the most significant therapies of our lifetime.

Right now, very few companies make high-quality devices.

As mentioned in my Eagle-Research AquaCure AC50 review, I personally use this system every day.

If you choose a different product, make sure it meets the critical criteria. And if you want a deep dive into upgrading your hydration, check out the ultimate biohacking water protocol.

If you found this article helpful, please send it to a friend or share it on social media.

And if you’ve used Brown’s gas, I’d love to hear from you. Drop a comment below and let me know your experience.

Post Tags: Biohacking, Brain & Cognition, Energy, Functional & Holistic Health, Healing, Lifestyle, Recovery & Resilience, Therapy

4 thoughts on “Brown’s Gas for Peak Health: Ultimate Guide”

  1. Hi Nick,

    I use the AquaCure (AC50) personally and for my clients (I am a bio’terrain functional health practitioner, certified in the biochemical processes of metabolism and detoxification.
    BG is an elegant, simple and direct way to assist the body’s natural healing processes, aka, inflammation.
    We are made of minerals (salts) and water imprinted with frequencies to form and regenerate tissue, bone.
    I incorporate the gas into manual therapies and electromagnetic (energy) therapies along with biochemical (Schussler) tissue salts.

    I just reposted your article on my Telegram channel (HeatherRaeFunctionalHealth).

    • Hey Heather! Thanks for the comment and sharing how you use it. Nice stack! What other EM/energy therapies do you use? I remember joining your Telegram channel several years ago 🙂

  2. Please clarify if the aqua cure AC50 is the machine that makes all 6 gases (BW) and is not the weaker or explosive model. Or is the gas available to buy?Layman’s terms please!
    Thank you!


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