You probably already know the core components of deep health.
On your biohacking journey, you’ll certainly come across certain things with a suspiciously long list of use cases and benefits, yet with minimal to zero side effects.
Most of them are indeed too good to be true.
After experimenting with thousands of fancy molecules, therapies, devices, and other biohacks, only a handful of things I’ve come across are close to panaceas.
In this post, I’m sharing my top “biohacking magic bullets” with you.
These “Magic Bullets” May Optimize Your Health
First, I’ll define what a panacea means to me.
These are health interventions with some combination of:
- Pleiotropic benefits
- Myriad use cases
- Minimal risk
- Incredible testimonials.
Most of them check all the boxes.
The best interventions have strong effects and little downside. I sum this up with what I call the “power to safety ratio”.
As a bonus, many of these also have long-lasting effects.
Now, let’s explore them.
Brown’s Gas
Brown’s gas is one of the most fascinating suppressed breakthroughs. For free energy, extending the life of lithium ion batteries, to 3Xing car fuel economy, and of course, transforming human health.
Brown’s gas contains molecular hydrogen along with multiple other beneficial constituents. Molecular hydrogen is a selective antioxidant shown in nearly 2,000 studies across 200 disease models to improve health.
Many of those are in animals, but human clinical trials show equally impressive results.
I’ve recorded several podcasts with one of the world’s foremost Brown’s gas experts. Years later, I still receive testimonials from listeners about how this unique gas transformed their health and life.
Dive deeper into this powerful biohacking panacea in my ultimate Brown’s Gas guide.
Therapeutic Peptides
Therapeutic peptides are among the fastest growing biohacking trends for good reason.
Many of them are naturally produced in the body, have potent effects, and solid safety profiles, untouchable by most manmade substances.
These are short strings of amino acids that, depending on the molecular configuration, the body uses to accelerate certain processes.
Some of the hottest peptides include:
- BPC-157
- TB-500
- Thymosin alpha-1
- Semaglutide
One called “BPC-157” is the most popular and akin to the Swiss Army Knife of peptides. It has a special affinity for helping repair the gut lining. Users often combine another popular peptide called “TB-500” (TB-4) with BPC for an ultimate heal-like-Wolverine stack.
As the name suggests, thymosin alpha-1 (TA-1) aids immune balance via activating the thymus gland.
Because the molecules are very fragile, most require injection into fat tissue. But not all.
To learn more about these fascinating and useful substances, check out my ultimate guide to the top therapeutic peptides.
Methylene Blue
Methylene blue was the first synthetic drug and made it onto the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines for its ability to reverse a condition called methemoglobinemia.
It received increasing press coverage over the last few years as an anti-viral (and the parent molecule to a hydroxychloroquine).
Off-label usage, however, is far more interesting. Biohackers use methylene blue as a mood enhancing nootropic, to stimulate mitochondrial energy production, improve learning and memory, and for anti-aging effects.
In fact, a German physician and Nobel Prize winner named Paul Ehrlich used it to treat malaria in 1891. He noticed that when injected into his lab animals, it selectively targeted damaged tissues. He later called it a “Magic Bullet”.
What about safety?
Dosages range dramatically from 1mg up to several hundred. Even if you drank the entire bottle, you’d probably be fine (but obviously, check with your physician on dosing and do not consume that much).
Check out my biohacker’s guide to methylene blue for more information.
Melatonin’s known as the sleep hormone. Or, sometimes, as the “hormone of darkness”. Either way, it certainly has a role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm).
Yet it has a much larger role throughout the human body.
Did you know 90% of your body’s melatonin isn’t produced in your brain’s pineal gland, but in your gut? Share on XMelatonin is one of your body’s top—if not the top—antioxidants. It shields your cells against the ravages of the energy production (the electron transport chain) process. Keeping mitochondrial DNA and membranes safe from damage.
It also helps manage inflammation and promotes the expression of genes involved in repair and regeneration processes.
If I had nearly any chronic health condition, I’d scour the web for research on the treatment with high-dose melatonin. Especially anything serious. I’ve heard more incredible stories with melatonin than almost anything.
In the presence of daylight, melatonin does not cause sleepiness. It’s also incredibly safe. Even if you buy bulk powder, you’d have a hard time hurting yourself (although you may feel drowsy/hungover if you use a ridiculous dose).
The one thing I’d love to see would be more ways to administer it naturally. Although only 10% of your bodily production comes from the pineal, that gland pulses its release. No supplements match that, although some peptides like epitalon strengthen your body’s natural pulses.

Shilajit, sometimes referred to as the real “black gold”, is a substance revered by all the ancient cultures that could source it. Quality shilajit is hand-harvested from mountainous regions above 12,000 feet.
A kilogram can easily cost thousands of dollars. Yet this is quite possibly the most potent natural vitality-enhancing substance. It also contains up to 85 ionic trace minerals, fulvic acid, humic acid, and much more.
The bioactive substances within it increase the absorption of everything else you consume. Whether foods or supplements. Basically, it’s a nutrition amplifier. Plus, it has all kinds of its own benefits.
It seems to help with:
- Energy levels
- Cognitive function
- Anti-aging
- Heart health
- Anti-inflammatory
- Immunity
- Stress and anxiety
- Physical performance
- Reproductive health
- Blood sugar regulation
- Detoxification
- Bone health
- Pain relief
Although I’ve taken it most days for years, it’s non-habit forming and has earned a spot among my all-time top five favorite supplements.
Some call it a panacea, and I agree.
Learn more in my ultimate review of shilajit’s benefits, products, uses, supplements and more.
When you’re looking for the absolute highest nutrient density, you simply cannot beat micro-algae. It’s nature’s multivitamin.
Gram for gram, this stuff comprises:
- 3X more protein than steak
- 48X more iron than spinach
- 40+ vitamins & minerals
- 64% amino acids
- 1000X more chlorophyll than kale
- Ample B vitamins
- Beta carotene
- Powerful antioxidants
- Alkalinity
- Natural DNA and RNA for accelerated recovery
They’re endorsed by NASA, and the United Nations calls them “the answer to world hunger and nutrient deficiency”. Micro-algae is one of the original foods, with a history dating back 3-4 billion years.
No matter your health goal or situation, these warrant consideration. The two types of micro-algae worth buying are:
- Spirulina
- Chlorella
Since my interview with the world’s top micro-algae researcher, I’ve consumed this just about every day. I even take them traveling with me.
Learn more in my ultimate guide to spirulina and chlorella micro-algae.
Organ Meats
Back when I followed it, one of my top carnivore diet tips was consuming organ meats. These are some of the foods with the absolute highest nutrient density available.
Nutrients in their maximally absorbed form, and without “plant defense compounds”. If micro-algae is nature’s plant-based multivitamin, the animal-based equivalent would be organ meat supplements.
Not only are organs chalk-full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, but they contain natural sources of other substances too Share on XLike peptides and even therapeutic bioregulator peptides. Although organ meats are potentially even safer.
Theories like the Doctrine of Signatures and the presence of other less-understood bioactive substances explain why particular organs seem to benefit the corresponding organ in humans.
For example, bovine testicles can increase testosterone production in men. Or, cow heart appears to contain CoQ10 and other substances that preferentially help the human cardiovascular system.
Similar to the brain, liver, bone marrow, and thyroid. I regularly hear stories of biohackers using these to improve their own organ function naturally.

Earthing refers to the age-old “therapy” of touching human skin to the bare Earth. Allowing for the dissipation of positive ions that accumulate as metabolic byproducts.
A few minutes of exposure to nature, and free electrons travel up through the ground into your body where they can neutralize free radicals.
Dark field microscopy and other tests show transformative results in just 20 minutes. Passively, no effort required.
Some of the potential benefits include improving:
- Inflammation
- Sleep
- Pain
- Mood
- Circulation
- Energy levels
- Hormonal balance
- Immunity
- Exercise recovery
- Mental clarity
Humans naturally lived this way until the invention of rubber-soled shoes. It’s also among the primary reasons that swimming in natural bodies of water feels so good.
You can do it anytime, anywhere. Or, you can pick up some tools to help you enjoy similar benefits from indoors.
Check out my biohacker’s ultimate guide to Earthing to learn more.
Infoceuticals are a recently coined term to describe the molecular signature of substances and therapies.
Essentially, everything carries its own molecular fingerprint. From drugs, to herbs, to foods, to supplements. When ingested, these substances cause informational/frequency changes within cells.
Savvy biohackers and scientists realized the potential of these technologies to mimic the effects of other therapies, with just a silicon chip. One that we all already have (smartphones, laptops).
Benefits over the conventional approach include:
- Safer
- Fewer side effects
- Virtually free
- Access to restricted substances
- Available for use anytime, anywhere
Naturally skeptical biohackers (myself included) often setup quantified tests to rule out the placebo effect. While the effects are discernible, they’re weak.
From my experience, I get about 1/3 to 1/5 the effect of the original substance.
Each device uses one of several technologies to apply these signatures. I use a platform called Infopathy most often.
Check it out and see what everyday folks say about it in my Infopathy Infoceuticals Review.
Ozone Therapy
Ozone is a gas like oxygen (O2), but with an extra oxygen atom (O3). Although molecularly quite similar, ozone has significantly different effects in humans.
Whenever you exercise, sauna, ice bath, or engage in many healthy activities, levels of singlet oxygen atoms increase. Leading to more cellular (oxidative) stress.
When administered into the body, ozone splits into oxygen (the kind we breathe) and a singlet oxygen atom. Conferring the benefits of greater tissue oxygenation, as well as enhanced cellular cleanup.
The singlet oxygen atom acts like a molecular tag, stimulating the body’s immune and repair systems.
Some of the many benefits of at-home ozone therapy include:
- Oxygen delivery to tissues
- Antimicrobial against bacteria, viruses, and fungi
- Anti-inflammatory
- Immune stimulation
- Pain relief, especially for arthritis or back pain
- Wound healing via greater oxygenation and reduced infection risk
- Detoxification as ozone aids the removal of toxins and waste byproducts
Ozone is considered nature’s top disinfectant. It often prevails when conventional treatments fail. Including, to resistant bugs.
I use ozone therapy regularly, and especially at the first sign of any illness. All from the convenience of my home. Check out my guide to the top at-home ozone therapy machines to get started.
Every second throughout the day, your body sends signals about your current state. By decoding these biological cues, you gain invaluable information.
Actionable information you can use immediately to improve your health, wellbeing, and performance.
Scientists are hard at work discovering bodily information streams for you to tap into.
Currently, two of the most popular forms of biofeedback include:
Both work by associating an internal biological change with external stimuli. Helping you learn to control your internal state.
Neurofeedback quantifies brainwave patterns. When you begin to slip into a sub-optimal state, the device provides sensory feedback (i.e. a sound or visual cue). Over time, you learn to sustain optimal brainwaves for extended periods.
Heart coherence training, on the other hand, quantifies your level of biological stress by measuring the variability between heart beats. The better your training performance, the greater the visual and auditory feedback.
These technologies are incredible drug-free ways to improve your baseline health and performance. With enough at-home sessions, I’ve seen people overcome lifelong PTSD and/or drug addictions.
Professional athletes and elite CEOs love biofeedback tech too.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a simple compound with many applications. It’s a staple that belongs in every household.
You may have used it as a disinfectant to address childhood cuts and scrapes.
When applied to a wound, hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen and water, causing the familiar fizzing action. This process helps to cleanse the area by killing bacteria and removing dead tissue.
But the benefits of hydrogen peroxide extend beyond basic first aid.
Some of H2O2’s potential uses include:
- Oral health: Diluted hydrogen peroxide can act as a superior mouth rinse, helping to whiten teeth and combat gum disease (without disrupting the oral microbiome)
- Skin care: helps treat acne and minor skin infections
- Produce rinse: H2O2 can help remove some pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and other chemicals from the outside of fruits and vegetables
- Household cleaning: Its antimicrobial properties make it effective for sanitizing surfaces and removing mold
- Gardening: A diluted solution can protect plants from pests and diseases
- Water purification: In emergency situations, hydrogen peroxide can help purify water
In alternative health circles, folks even use hydrogen peroxide internally to stimulate the immune system and detoxify the body. It can act as an alternative to a powerful immune stimulant called interferon.
Some doctors even advocate nebulizing a very weak dilution of hydrogen peroxide to help avoid respiratory infections.
Most commercial products you’ll come across have already been diluted. Make sure to check with your health professional before incorporating it into your routine.
Microbiome Optimization

You’re more microbe than human. Every human cell in your body is outnumbered by 3-10X more microbes.
Although you have a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms living throughout your body, your gut is perhaps the most important residency. This community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses play a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and overall health.
Your human genome doesn’t change, but your microbial genomes rapidly adapt you to thrive in new environments.
Optimizing your gut microbiome causes significant improvements, like:
- Digestive health: Greater nutrient absorption and reduced symptoms of bloating, gas, and constipation
- Immune function: Stronger bodily defense against infections
- Mental health: Lower anxiety and depression through a better gut-brain connection
- Fat loss: Long-term weight loss requires an optimal gut and healthy metabolism
- Inflammation: Lower systemic inflammation (which is linked to most chronic diseases)
- Allergy relief: Mitigating food intolerances and sensitivities
Personally, I did what seemed impossible and reversed a lifelong dairy intolerance by biohacking my gut microbiome.
Your gut microbiome is so important, that it’s one of the core factors responsible for the aging process.
The first step is to seal up intestinal permeability (”leaky gut”). Then, to flip a specialized immune cell called macrophages to the anti-inflammatory state.
Fiber, amino acids, and polyphenols are gut-building superstars. Prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics come later, only if necessary.
Don’t believe me?
Several studies have shown that a single course of microbiome-destroying antibiotics increases the risk of anxiety and depression a year later by 23-25%, and multiple courses lead to increased risk by 40-56% [R, R].
Biohacked Exercise
Some experts call exercise the “great resolver of sins”. The number of health parameters it improves is perhaps second only to sleep.
Yet reaping the benefits and seeing body composition changes (fat loss or muscle gain) takes consistency (time) and discomfort. That is, after working with a professional to overcome the learning curve.
Some populations cannot exercise (sick, elderly, young children, immediately post-injury).
Then, there’s the looming risk of injury.
Some biohacking fitness technologies solve those issues.
For example, as described in my KAATSU review, this is a form of blood flow restriction training that replicates the benefits of heavy strength training, using just bodyweight movements.
Or, you can use electro muscle stimulation training to mimic the benefits of a full-body 90 minute strength, power, mobility, or cardio workout—in just 20 minutes.
Other lower tech but powerful fitness training modalities include super slow strength training, sprinting, rucking/“super walking”, and VO2 max training.
The more efficient, consistent, safe, and enjoyable your chosen training style, the greater your long-term benefit.
Essential Oils
Used for centuries in traditional medicine, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts known for their aromatic and therapeutic properties.
These oils capture the essence of the plant’s fragrance and, more importantly, a plethora of beneficial bioactive compounds.
They’ve become somewhat of a dirty word these days because unscrupulous MLM companies make sensationalist marketing claims.
Nonetheless, these are another perfect example of substances that work when conventional “modern” remedies do not. Including to kill drug-resistant pathogens.
I bring a bottle of one of the most potent ones, oil of oregano, with me traveling in my carry-on.
Peppermint essential oil is a bronchodilator, athletic performance enhancer, pain reliever, mint/gum/mouthwash replacement, and another staple of mine.
Some of the classic benefits and use cases of essential oils include:
- Aromatherapy: Diffusing essential oils can help reduce stress, improve mood, boost cognition, increase energy, and promote relaxation
- Skin care: Oils like tea tree and lavender can treat acne, soothe irritation, and promote healing.
- Pain relief: Eucalyptus and peppermint oils can relieve headaches, muscle pain, and inflammation
- Sleep support: Lavender and chamomile oils have calming and sleep supporting effects
- Immune support: Oregano and eucalyptus oils have antimicrobial properties that bolster the immune system
- Respiratory health: Oils like eucalyptus and peppermint clear nasal congestion and improve breathing
- Disinfection: Oil of oregano, thyme, clove, and others have strong anti-microbial properties that make them excellent inclusions for products designed to sterilize
Each oil has numerous potent bioactive substances. To continue the previous examples, oregano essential oil contains carvacrol, thymol, rosmarinic acid, cymene, and beta-caryophyllene.
Peppermint essential oil, on the other hand, contains menthol, menthone, 1,8-cineole, isomenthone, limonene.
Oh, and they smell nice too.
If you’re skeptical of the power of these oils, a single drop of undiluted oil of oregano in your mouth will convert you. I only made that mistake once.
Their versatility, power, and safety should earn them a spot in every household.
Rife Machines
Rife machines are devices that generate specific frequencies purported to target and eliminate pathogens in the body.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife developed the technology in the 1930s, and these machines have been adopted by the alternative health world.
How do they work?
The theory behind Rife machines is that every microorganism has a unique electromagnetic frequency Share on XBy matching this frequency, the machine disrupts the pathogen’s structure, effectively neutralizing it.
Similar to how a good opera singer can use a particular frequency of their voice to shatter a wine glass.
Some potential benefits of Rife machines include:
- Pathogen elimination: Targeting bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
- Pain relief: Managing chronic pain conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia
- Inflammation reduction: Alleviating symptoms of inflammatory diseases
- Immune support: Enhancing the body’s natural defense mechanisms
- Detoxification: Assisting in the removal of toxins from the body
- Energy boost: Improving overall vitality and reducing fatigue
- Mental clarity: Enhancing focus and cognitive function
Personally, I’ve never used one. But several top health practitioners and even doctors swear by Rife machines.
While the efficacy of Rife machines remains a topic of debate, many users find them a valuable addition to their wellness toolkit.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

As clearly described in books like Healing is Voltage, and The Body Electric, electricity largely governs human biology.
Disruptions to that electrical charge is intricately linked to disease and disharmony.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses low-frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate and heal the body’s cells and tissues. Essentially, non-invasively helping the body rebalance.
PEMF therapy works by emitting electromagnetic waves at different frequencies, which can penetrate the body and interact with cellular functions. This interaction is believed to improve cellular repair, enhance circulation, and reduce inflammation.
Some benefits of PEMF therapy include improved:
- Pain relief: Alleviating chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back pain
- Inflammation: Lowering inflammation levels, which help against autoimmune diseases and injuries
- Circulation: Improving blood flow and oxygenation of tissues
- Bone health: Bone healing and density, useful for osteoporosis and fractures
- Stress: Balances the nervous system and reduces stress levels
- Sleep: Promotes relaxation and enhances sleep quality
- Cellular regeneration: Faster recovery from injuries by enhancing cellular repair mechanisms
- Immunity: Strengthening the immune system’s ability to fight infections and diseases
I always suggest anyone injured or planning to have a surgery to consider PEMF. It can slash recovery times in half, and improve outcomes (more functional, less scar tissue, etc.).
Systems range dramatically in quality and price, so I suggest checking out my guide to the top PEMF mats & devices.
Non-Physical Reprocessing
Science generally assumes that physical symptoms arise from biomechanical origins. Pop science also claims that our personality is formed at a young age.
Neither of these are necessarily true. Each of the following symptoms often has non-physical origins:
- Chronic Pain: Unexplained aches, such as headaches, back pain, or muscle tension
- Digestive Issues: Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers, or chronic stomach pain
- Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest
- Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, nightmares, or restless sleep
- Cardiovascular Problems: Increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, and other cardiovascular issues
- Immune System Suppression: Greater susceptibility to infections and illnesses
And many, many more.
What if there was a simple solution to this?
It begins in the subjective, qualitative realm.
Emotional wounds often translate into physical symptoms due to the interconnected nature of our mind and body Share on XThese wounds often stem from past Traumas (and traumas), unresolved conflicts, and associations with lack of safety.
Although not visible, these unresolved emotional pains lodge into the nervous system and stick with us until you address them.
When you do, symptoms can immediately disappear. Less favorable aspects of your personality can transform overnight.
Although there are many approaches to this kind of inner work, here are a few of my favorites:
- Somatic reprocessing: Focusing on physical sensations and bodily experiences to process and release stored emotions
- Proprietary processes: Structured approach to confronting and integrating painful experiences, leading to emotional resolution and personal growth. Generally, they involve revisiting past traumas in a safe and controlled manner
- Therapy/Coaching: Working with a therapist skilled in trauma-focused therapies such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), IFS/parts work, or somatic experiencing
- Mindfulness practices: Incorporating mindfulness meditation, yoga, or breathwork to stay present and connected to your body
- Journaling: Writing about your experiences and emotions helps you process and understand them better
- Men’s/Women’s groups: Vulnerable, safe communities are among the most potent ways to process emotions, traumas, and painful experiences
Some of these provide more superficial relief, while others get to the core.
The techniques I’ve seen that work the best involve visualizing safely returning to previous life experiences and “giving” that version of yourself whatever you needed back then.
One such example is the protocol outlined in The Completion Process.
It’s tricky, because these involve communicating with your subconscious to find the lingering wounds. For many people, myself included, this feels unscientific and requires practice.
Everyone, regardless of how perfect your upbringing and opportunities, has some degree of unresolved past pain. By shining the light on it and reprocessing it, incredible life transformations occur.
Some of Many Health Optimization Panaceas
The arsenal of the modern health optimization professional contains all kinds of tools.
Some tools are hyper-specialized, while others have universal impact.
In this post, we’ve explored some of the “biohacking magic bullets”. Things I regularly hear having miraculous effects on people.
They’re often:
- Affordable (at least, over time)
- Powerful
- Safe
- Convenient
- Versatile
- Natural
- Long-lasting
I wish I knew about these when I began my health journey.
Use this article to help guide your research. They may just help you address the root causes of your health condition.
If you found this post helpful, I’d be grateful if you sent it to a friend or shared it on social media.
Of course, tons of other things could make the list. What would you add? Drop a comment below and let me know!