
11 Thriving Online Biohacking Groups & Communities to Join Today

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Biohacking Online Groups Communities
Biohacking Online Groups Communities

How’d you discover biohacking?

  • A podcast?
  • A YouTube video?
  • A blog post?
  • A Tweet?
  • A conversation?
  • A friend’s recommendation?

No matter your path, here’s the truth…

The strength of biohacking doesn’t come from select few influencers. But rather the massive community of over 113,000 health hackers dispersed worldwide.

Every controversial opinion, personal experiment, and review of popular biohacking gear contributes to the field as a whole. Every new biohacker spreads wellness optimization to a larger portion of the globe.

Biohackers can be tricky to physically track down. Luckily, dozens (if not hundreds) of virtual groups and communities exist. I’ll regularly update this post to be the most comprehensive list of biohacking communities & groups on the internet.

Biohacking Community #1: Clubhouse

The number one fastest growing social network of 2021. Clubhouse has become my favorite new platform to network, meet other biohackers, and personally chat with some of the biggest names in biohacking & health optimization. The service is completely free and consists of audio-only rooms dedicated to specific topics.

While these rooms are led by moderators, anyone can join and even speak (if approved).

Are you obsessed with a specific Podcaster, YouTuber, or Blogger? Wish you could pick their brain over something they released recently? Odds are they’re on Clubhouse (or will be soon). You too can chat with them — and many others.

Clubhouse isn’t just for biohacking. There are rooms for nearly every topic imaginable. Get in while it’s in its infancy.


Note: At the time of this writing, Clubhouse is invite-only. Contact me and I’ll get you in.

Biohacking Community #2:

Meetup and Eventbrite are the oldest platforms for in-person events. When I relocated across the country, I didn’t have the same community I had established in San Francisco. On a mission to biohack NYC, I used Meetup to quickly locate and join several relevant groups.

In my post on biohacking NYC, I mentioned some of the awesome groups focusing on topics like:

  • Nootropics and cognitive enhancement
  • Precision nutrition, keto and carnivore diets
  • Speed-reading and meta-learning
  • Hacking fitness
  • High-performance productivity

For casual live events, Meetup is in a league of its own. Major cities have the largest and most active groups. Get started and find the other health-conscious folk in your area.

Biohacking Community #3: Blogs

Blogs might be something of ancient technology, but they’re still the hub of many of the most well-known biohackers. Through blogs, you’ll get timely updates about the world’s latest happenings.

Since you’re here and reading this, I assume that you’re familiar with bookmarking your favorite biohacking blogs (hint hint ;)).

I recommend setting up and RSS feed that contains all your frequented sites. Every time any of those blogs releases new content, it’s sent to a centralized “news feed”. I detoxed from conventional news and media. Now, I scroll through a highly-curated stream of articles customized to my exact interests, and from my top sources.

RSS Made Easy

On blogs, also check out the comments section for discussion on various topics. Sometimes you’ll find dozens of relevant questions, answers, and comments.

Bonus tip: sometimes commenters include their personal site/blog in their comment. Check if their name is underlined or the color of the text changes. If so, click it to go to their site.

Biohacking Community #4: Facebook

Of all the online groups, Facebook is by far the most active. In fact, altogether the different biohacking Facebook groups I’m part of contain well over 150,000 members (though I know there’s overlap)!

I’m in touch with most of the biohackers I’ve come to know through Facebook. I get notifications whenever they post in these huge communities.

As much as I despise the platform, Facebook is the social home base of biohackers. In fact, these Facebook groups probably have more members than all other communities combined!

Unfortunately tides are turning. Censorship is increasing, even around legal topics like peptides.

If you use it for nothing else (as I do), Facebook can be an excellent biohacking resource to network.

Biohacking Community #5: Reddit

Several subreddits dedicate themselves entirely to biohacking. Most Redditors interested in biohacking, however, frequent other related fields. Though r/Biohackers has amassed >27,400 members, you’ll quickly discover it’s dominated by a handful of users.

The subreddits I follow related to biohacking include:

  • r/Biohackers
  • r/Bio_Hacking
  • r/Longevity
  • r/Nootropics
  • r/QuantifiedSelf
  • r/sleephackers
  • r/Supplements
  • r/DrugNerds
  • r/Transhumanism

As you can see, Reddit houses only two active communities dedicated to biohacking. Redditors favor discussion with minimal filter, and data-backed self-quantification experiments.

Biohacking Community #6: Telegram & Signal

Large tech has begun cracking and censoring content deemed unsafe or “fake news”. Much of the information around natural health has become shadow banned. Making it hard to find to all but the most discerning eyes using alternative search engines like Qwant, DuckDuckGo, and several others.

Since biohacking falls into health content, communities are facing tighter restrictions around discussions, comments, and link sharing. Content producers are jumping ship to several alternative platforms.

In 2021 two apps have become information safe havens: Signal and Telegram. Both promise free speech. I don’t love either and am not active on them.

Biohacking Community #7: WhatsApp

Cumbersome, big tech-owned (Facebook), and not optimized for large groups. Some of the tightest groups I’m part of are on WhatsApp.

Folks that chat daily, know each other well, and come from a wide variety of backgrounds.

And I’ve encountered dozens of other large biohacker WhatsApp groups. Since it’s a universal messaging platform (outside the USA, that is), WhatsApp groups grow quickly. They also feel more personal than conversations through other mediums.

Due to the intimate nature of trusting your phone number to strangers, however, you’ll have to ask around to find these groups.

Biohacking Community #8: MeWe

Touted the latest “Facebook killer”, MeWe is a privacy-focused social network designed to look and feel similar to… you guessed it… Facebook.

So far I’ve found MeWe underwhelming. There’s not much activity, and the interface is harder to use than that of popular tech giants.

Overall it’s heading in the right direction. On the platform, I’m part of several health & performance groups. Until Facebook completely kills health-related groups, I don’t see MeWe catching on.

Still worth checking out if you like controversial ideas or budding social networks.

Biohacking Community #9: Conferences

Of all communities, biohacking events, conferences, and virtual summits forge the tightest relationships. Ticket price weeds out trolls, all but guaranteeing you’re surrounded by like-minded folks.

I like conferences because you experience a panel of experts in-person, alongside other biohackers that you already know (and make some new friends at the same time). Live questions from the community make conferences more engaging than information absorbed through other mediums.

Usually you’ll get to test the latest gear, delicious recipes, and leave with a goodie bag.

New venues continue to arise, but the favorites amongst biohackers include:

  • PaleoFX
  • Upgrade Labs
  • Health Opimisation Summit

You get ample time to network. Only at conferences (and Clubhouse) do you get the opportunity to dive deep with the world’s authorities and pick their brains. If you thrive on real in-person relationships, nothing compares to performance optimization conferences.

Biohacking Community #10: YouTube Channels

You might think that YouTube is an unlikely source of an engaging community.

Videos on YouTube and other platforms attract more comments than blogs.

I’m not big on YouTube (yet), but see all the comments below the videos I come across. More so than blogs or podcasts, I find that YouTubers are responsive to comments. Their responses spark larger conversations.

Biohacking Community #11: Twitter

Twitter is perhaps the oldest and most reliable source of personalized community. I generally avoid Twitter as I get sucked down rabbit holes. If you can stomach the never-ending feed of posts, re-tweets, and comments, it’s a useful tool.

You can share what you’re learning, and peer into the (public) minds of scientists and health professionals. Sometimes Tweets spur entire threads of comments, criticism, discussion.

I’ll sometimes find thought-provoking new articles and papers on Twitter first.

Join Biohacking Communities & Groups Today

Paradoxically, biohackers are everywhere and nowhere.

Ask in the right place and you’ll receive dozens of answers to your pressing technical questions. I’ve posed questions that received a deluge of responses. All the comments can take an hour to comb through. Wisdom from some of the world’s subject matter experts.

But biohackers don’t hangout in many of the popular online spots. Due to tech censorship and personal preference, we’re often testing the latest biohacking apps for use as safe-havens.

Which groups you focus depends on your goal:

  • To build life-long friendships: in-person conferences
  • To chat with world-class experts: Clubhouse
  • To get comments, suggestions, and feedback: Facebook groups
  • To join no-filter discussions of biohacks: Reddit
  • To discover new research: Twitter
  • To find conversations around specific topics: Blog comments & YouTube videos
  • To talk about often-censored content: Signal & Telegram
  • To casually meet others on an ongoing basis: Meetup

What biohacking communities are you a part of?


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